
" The Character Building University "

ICLE 2018, Encourage Creativity and Innovation in the Field of English Education

English Education and Literature The Faculty of Languages ​​and Arts, Medan State University held an International Seminar ‘The Fourth International Conference on Language and Education (The 4th ICLE) 2018, with the theme “Emerging Research Paradigm in Language Teaching and Education in Digital Era” which was held in Madani Hotel Medan, Saturday-Sunday (29-39 / 12). This seminar is a collaboration between the Department of Education and English Literature with the Association of Language Teachers in Southeast Asia (ALTSA) and TEFLIN.

In this seminar, FBS Deputy Dean I attended. Wahyu Tri Atmojo, M. Hum, Chair of the English Language and Literature Department Dr. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., North Sumatra Regional TEFLIN Coordinator Prof. Dr. Sumarsih, M.Pd., head of the English Language Education Study Program, Lecturers and International Seminar participants as many as 40 people from various regions and several from overseas.

In this seminar invited 5 speakers from 3 countries including Prof. Chiaki Iwai, Ph.D. (Japan), Sisilia Setiawati, Ph.D. (Indonesia), Prof. Mayumi Tsubaki (Japan), and Dr. Rafizah Mohd Rawian (Malaysia), and Keynote Speaker Prof. Amrin Saragih, Ph.D. (Indonesia).

In his speech, Deputy Dean I of FBS Unimed Dr. Wahyu said that the five speakers presented had very extraordinary competencies so that the holding of this seminar had a great speed and contribution to improve the education and learning of English language educators often with the development of global challenges.

Chairperson of the Seminar Committee Dr. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed. conveyed at the opening “This international seminar aims to encourage, stimulate and challenge us to be creative and innovative in thinking and action to improve professionalism in the field of teaching and education in the field of English which is part of the overall first and second language teaching program in Indonesia , ” said Dr. Masitowarni.

Prof. Amrin Saragih, Ph.D. As the Keynote Speaker said that rapid growth of global challenges in multidimensional and has become a current problem, which involves the responses and reactions of all scholars including linguists and educators. Among the aggressive advances in the fields of technology, art, culture and natural sciences are the core challenges that must be covered. As the demand for challenges from the community increases, language learning and education must continue to contribute and be relevant. This challenge is considered as an opportunity to develop language learning and education that is valuable, flexible and relevant for the community to face the global sciences.