
" The Character Building University "


In the 1950’s, right after the physical revolution, the junior high school and senior high school were developed rapidly, and it required a high number of qualified teachers. Government, especially the Ministry of Education, carried out numerous efforts in order to fulfill the requirement. One of the efforts was to open educational institution, such as institution for junior high school teachers and a program called Kursus B-I to educate teacher candidate, especially teacher for junior and senior high school. Even with those efforts, the government was still struggling with low number of qualified teachers.

          Based on this situation, in the 1956 several education practitioner in North Sumatera decided to start a new Teacher Education Institute (Perguruan Tinggi Pendidikan Guru or PTPG). This idea was brought by Prof. Ani Abbas Manopo, S.H., (dean of Law and Society Knowledge Faculty in North Sumatera University), G. Sianipar (Division Head of Society Education Inspection) and R.M. Simanjuntak (Headmaster of Medan Public High School 1 or SMA Negeri 1).

The PTPG was opened for English, Pedagogy, Society Knowledge (later known as Civic) and Health Education Majors. The PTPG was not last for a long time. It was became part of North Sumatera University based on the Indonesia Republic Ministry of Education and Culture Regulation No. 95254  at August 22, 1957 and then named as The Faculty of Teacher Training and Pedagogy (Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan  or FKIP).

As part of North Sumatera University, the faculty was still opened  for the same majors as mentioned above. As the leader for the new faculty, Prof. Ani Abbas Manopo was then became the dean. The faculty devloped rapidly, several lecturers were sent to study in United States. The lecturers in master program were G. Sianipar, S.H., R.M. Simanjuntak, Harun Ar Rasyid, and Ahmad Munir. As G. Sianipar left, Slamet Raharjo, M.A was chosen to become the faculty secretary in 1961.

During this period the faculty developed rapidly. Several expert and lecturers were brought in by Colombo Plan and Ford Foundation. The faculty was located at Jalan Imam Bonjol and later became the location for Harapan Educational School (Perguruan Pendidikan Harapan). In 1961, the government regulated that the faculty must accept the former B-1 Course students in order to unite the teacher training center. Based on the latest condition, the faculty was opened for new majors, Mathematic, Economy, English, Bahasa Indonesia, History and Civic, and Sports and Health Education.

In 1962, G. Sianipar and other lecturers were back in Indonesia and started teaching. During this period, most of the lecturers were become more creative due to the limited facilities.

G.Sianipar, S.H., was elected as dean to replace Prof. Ani Abbas Manopo, S.H., after her service period as dean was over. Apul Panggabean, M.A., was elected as Vice Dean I, Dra. Astoeti Hendarto as Vice Dean II and Drs. Osman Simanjuntak as Vice Dean III. Drs. A.O.B. Situmorang was chosen as administration chairman in main office.

The Upgrading of FKIP USU to IKIP Medan

In 1962 The Faculty of Teacher Training and Pedagogy (Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan  or FKIP) of North Sumatera University exhibited enormous development, more majors were opened and more students were accepted. At that time, several educational institutes were started in Bandung and Malang. Unfortunately, our faculty was not qualified as an educational institute. Therefore, the faculty then became part of Jakarta Educational Institute with G. Sianipar, S.H., M.Sc., Apul Panggabean, M.A., and  D.Q. Nasution were serving as Presidium Board. The sports and health major was taken under the Department of Sports of Indonesia Republic and named as Higher School of Sports (Sekolah Tinggi Olahraga or STO). Following the new status of the institution, majors were then divided in to 4 Faculties, namely :

  1. Pedagogy Faculty, consisted of: a. General education  b. Social education  c. Counseling d.Education administration
  2. Literature and Art Education Faculty, consisted of: a. Indonesia Language (Bahasa)  b. English
  3. Social Education Faculty, consisted of: a.Economy  b. Anthropology  c. History  d. Civic/Law
  4. Science Education Faculty, consisted of: a. Mathematic Science  b. Chemistry  c. Biology d. Natural Science   e. Civil engineering

In 1964, Sports and Health Major was disintegrated from Medan Educational Institute based on the Government regulation following the opening of Higher School of Sports (Sekolah Tinggi Olahraga or STO). This condition was due to the formation of Sports Department and the sport school was operating under the Sports Department.

Next development of this institution was the opening of Extension Course IKIP Medan in Pematangsiantar and Padangsidempuan which deal with History, English, Civic and economy majors. Lecturers were brought in from Medan Educational Institution. Due to the administrational needs, Drs. Cholil Dalimunthe was chosen as Padangsidempuan area coordinator. The Pematangsiantar Extension Course was closed in 1970.

Due to the extensive development, campus location at Jalan Imam Bonjol was no longer sufficient, therefore, in 1965 the campus was moved to Jalan Merbau 38 A (former location of Hoa Thiao Middle School). In the new location, the institute opened new faculty, The Faculty of Engineering Education with three majors (Civil/Building, Engine and Electricity).

On March 17, 1967, G. Sianipar, S.H., M.Sc. was died and Apul Panggabean, M.A took his responsibility temporary as rector. Apul Panggabean, M.A was then legaly elected as rector on May 1, 1968, following the Ministry of Education and Culture decision No. 128/KTI/SP/68. Drs. M. Joenoes Alim, M.Sc., was appointed as Vice Rector I, Drs. Oesman Simanjuntak as Vice Rector II and Drs. Djainget Sembiring, M.Hum as Vice Rector III. Drs. Oesman Simanjuntak joined the parliament soon after the election and then was replace by Drs. Manginar Manullang.

The Higher School of Sports was integrated back to the Medan Educational Institute following the Ministry of Education and Culture decision No. 042/0/1977. Since that integration, the Medan Educational Institute has 6 Faculties including the latest Faculty, The Faculty of Sports Education.

In 2005, The Faculty of Social Education was divided into 2 faculties and they are The Faculty of Social Science and Faculty of Economy. Faculty of Economy consisted of Economy Education, Management and Accounting Majors. Ever since the formation of the Faculty of Economy, The Medan Educational Institute has 7 faculties and 1 Graduate Program.

In 1978, the serving time of Prof. Apul Panggabean, M.A. as rector was over and he was retired. Based on the Ministry of Education and Culture decision No. 123/M on June 19, 1978, Drs. M. Joenoes Alim, M.Sc. was appointed as rector of Medan Educational Institution. Prof. Dr. D.P. Tampubolon was appointed as Vice rector I, Drs. Djainget Sembiring, Muham as Vice Rector III. Later Prof. Dr. D.P. Tampubolon was replaced by Prof. Dr. Mangasa Silitonga based on the Ministry of Education and Culture decision No. 7071/C/180 because Prof. Dr. D.P. Tampubolon was appointed as Culture Attache in Australia

Prof. M. Yoenoes Alim, M.Sc served as rector for two periods with Prof. Dr. Mangasa Silitonga as Vice Rector I, Drs. Norman Lubis as Vice Rector II and Prof. Drs. Rajanin Bangun as Vice Rector III. After two periods, Prof. Drs. M. Joenoes Alim, M.Sc. was then replaced by Prof. Drs. Sukama, M.A. following the President decision No. 222/M/1986 on November7, 1986. Prof. Dr. Usman Pelly, M.A., Prof. Drs. Sulaiman Lubis dan Prof. Drs. Jepta Hutabarat were appointed as Vice Rector I, II and III, respectively.

In line with The President of Indonesia Republic decision No. 269/M/1990 on November 10, 1990, Prof. Drs. Sukarna, M.A., was reappointed as rector for the second period. Due to the extended responsibility, the institution decided to add another vice rector, the vice rector IV, in 1991. Prof. Drs. Darmono, M.Ed. was appointed as Vice Rector I,  Prof. Drs. Sulaiman Lubis as Vice Rector II, Prof. Drs. Jepta Hutabarat as Vice Rector III and Prof. Dr. Usman Pelly, M.A. as Vice Rector IV

After Prof. Drs. Sukarna, M.A. fulfilled his period, Prof. Drs. Darmono, M.Ed., was appointed as rector following The President of Indonesia Republic decision No. 405/M/1994 on  December 12,  1994, with Prof. Djanius Djamin, S.H., M.S. as Vice Rector I, Drs. Dharmansyah as Vice Rector II, Drs. Salam Sembiring as Vice Rector III and Drs. M. Zain Azhari, M.Pd. as Vice Rector IV.

Prof. Djanius Djamin, S.H., M.S. was appointed as rector based on The President of Indonesia Republic decision No. 356/M/1998 on December 31, 1998 to replace Prof. Drs. Dramono, M.Ed., after his period was over. Prof. Dr. Usman Pelly, M.A., was appointed as Vice Rector I,   Drs. Alimuddin Lubis as Vice Rector II, Drs. Salam Sembiring as Vice Rector III and Dra. Setianna Simorangkir, M.A as Vice Rector IV.

In the era of Prof. Djanius Djamin, S.H., M.S., the Medan Educational Institution was upgraded to became Medan State University following The President of Indonesia Republic decision No. 124 in 1999. Prof. Djanius Djamin, S.H., M.S., was reappointed as rector for her second serving period based on The President of Indonesia Republic decision No. 35/M/2003 with Drs. Hasudungan Sinaga, M.S., as Vice Rector I, Drs. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., as Vice Rector II, Dr. Albinus Silalahi, M.Si., as Vice Rector III and Dra. Setianna Simorangkir, M.A., as Vice Rector IV. During this period, the university appointed Drs. Alimuddin Lubis as Vice Rector V that deal with planning and development.

After serving period of Prof. Dr. Djanius Djamin, S.H., M.S., was over, Drs. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., was appointed as rector following The President of Indonesia Republic decision No. 14/M/2007 on March 20, 2007 with Prof. Slamet Triono, M.Sc., Ph.D., as Vice Rector I, Drs. Chairul Azmi, M.Pd., as Vice Rector II, Drs. Biner Ambarita, M.Pd., as Vice Rector III and Dr. Berlin Sibarani, M.Pd., as Vice Rector IV. On March 28, 2011, The Ministry of Education appointed Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., as the head of Human Resources Development in Teaching and Teaching Quality Assurance office (Kepala Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Pendidikan dan Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan or BPSDMP and PMP). Therefore, Prof. Slamet Triono, M.Sc., Ph.D was appointed as rector for temporary on April 11, 2011 based on The Ministry of National Education decision  No. 130/MPN.A4/KP/2011 with main duty was to conduct the rector election for 2011-2015 period.

On June 15, 2011, Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar, M.Si., was elected as rector following the Ministry of National Education No. 149/MPN.A4/KP/2011. Prof. Dr. Khairil Ansari, M.Pd., was appointed as Vice Rector I, Drs. Chairul Azmi, M.Pd., as Vice Rector II, Prof. Dr. Biner Ambarita, M.Pd., as Vice Rector III and Prof. Dr. Berlin Sibarani, M.Pd., as Vice Rector IV.

On Monday June 15, 2015, Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd. was reelected as rector for 2015 – 2019 period with Prof. Dr. Abdul Hamid K, M.Pd. as Vice Rector I, Dr. Restu M.S. as Vice Rector II, Prof. Dr. Sahat Siagian, M.Pd as Vice Rector III and Prof. Dr. Manihar Sitomorang, M.Sc., Ph.D. as Vice Rector IV.

The Upgrading of Medan Educational Institute to Medan State University

The upgrading of Medan Educational Institute to Medan State University is an effort to improve the quality of Teacher Training (Lembaga Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan/LPTK). This upgrading is also an effort to increase the quality of graduated teachers in order to comply with the development needs in various aspects. The upgrading status of Medan Educational Institution (IKIP Medan) to Medan State University on February 2000 along with the government regulation No. 124 in 1999, lead to changes in the institute functions. The university is not only graduate education professionals as we used to but it also graduates Bachelor of Science.

In several aspects, the upgrading status of this university allows us to extend the function of this institute, namely:

  1. Optimalized the used of facilities and resource sharing. Some facilities can be shared between both educational and non educational program. In turn, this resource sharing will lead to the better quality of educational program
  2. More students can be accepted because there are more programs
  3. Fair competition among students in both programs is expected. This competition will motivate the students to do their best.
  4. Starting from 2000/2001 academic year, the six semester curricullum format or “Kurikulum Bersama Enam Semester Program Non Kependidikan dan Kependidikan” become the basic for both educational and non educational programs. This format is expected to increase the quality of the students in educational program because they will have strong basic knowledge as in non educational program.
  5. Medan State University work with 7 faculties and 1 graduate program and they are: 1) The faculty of Pedagogy, 2) Faculty of Language and Art, 3) The Faculty of Social Science, 4) Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science, 5) Faculty of Engineering, 6) Faculty of Sports, 7) Faculty of Economy and 8) Graduate Program