
" The Character Building University "

English Language Education and Literature Department FBS Holds National Workshop about Laboratory Utilization

MEDAN – The Department of English Language Education and Literature (BSI) of the Faculty of Language and Arts of the State University of Medan (FBS Unimed) held a Language Laboratory National Workshop with the theme “Optimizing the Use of Laboratories as Learning Resources in Improving Language Learning in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0” held in Digital Library Unimed lt. 4 (26/02). This activity was attended by Vice Rector I Prof. Dr. Abdul Hamid K, M.Pd., Vice Rector III Prof. Dr. Sahat Siagian, M.Pd., FBS Dean Unimed Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M. Hum., Along with Deputy Dean, Head of the English Language Education and Literature Department Dr. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., along with the head of the Study Program and Lecturers in the FBS Unimed environment.

This activity also invited speakers, including the Director General of Facilities and Infrastructure of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Dr. Mohammed Sofwan, M.Ed., Sanako Regional Director Asia Pacific, Mr. Ken Ang., And Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A., Ph.D. and with participants from 455 people from various state and private institutions from Aceh, North Sumatra, West Sumatra, Riau, Bengkulu, Lampung, Jakarta, West Java, and South Sulawesi.

Farida H. Saragih, S.Pd., M.Hum. as the Chairperson of the committee in this activity said “The Workshop and Workshop Activities invited Sanako, one of the media providers in Finland with the aim of providing training to teachers and lecturers to understand how to use language laboratories well and optimize existing facilities as learning resources in improving language learning in the era of industrial revolution 4.0. ”

Deputy Chancellor I Prof. Dr. Abdul Hamid K, M.Pd. conveyed at the opening of the event “Hopefully this activity can obtain information and add references to improve the quality of themselves and also the quality of education in Indonesia in general and in their respective schools in particular through directives and exposure to material from resource persons about the use of language laboratories as learning media,”.

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M. Hum stated “a study that for all workers in the industrial business world, one of them is 2 related to linguistics, namely written language skills and oral language. So this activity, I give my appreciation, hopefully this activity will be beneficial to the participants, because the language will never become extinct because to the world level, even in the skills of the language workforce, it ranks 3 out of what is needed from the world of work “.

The Director General of Facilities and Infrastructure of Kemenristekdikti, Dr. Mohammed Sofwan, M.Ed., one of the resource persons said, “Laboratories are designed for the industrial era 4.0, which plays an important role in the process of improving academic quality, especially in utilizing the industrial era marked by digitalization. Now we just have to oversee and elaborate on how language laboratories are not just for learning in language skills, but how to use language laboratories as part of research and part of developing science, “