
" The Character Building University "

FBS Seminar Discusses the Role and Development of Malay

MEDAN – The Unimed Faculty of Languages ​​and Arts (FBS) held a Seminar on Islamic Malay Thought in the Archipelago Malay Creative Writing. This seminar is a collaboration between Medan State University and Darul Aman Kedah Teacher Education Institute, Malaysia. The seminar was held in the Seminar Room at the IV floor of the Digital Library Unimed, Thursday (27/02).

The seminar was also attended by the Dean of FBS Unimed Dr. Abdurahman Adisaputera, M.Hum., Deputy Dean I Dr. Wahyu Triatmojo, M.Hum., Deputy Dean II Dr. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., Deputy Dean III Dr. Marice, M.Hum., Along with Kajur, Sekjur and Kaprodi in the FBS Unimed environment.

In this seminar invited speakers who are experts in Malay history namely Dr. Phil Ichwan Azhari from Unimed, Mara Untung Ritonga, S.S., M.Hum., Ph.D. from Unimed, Dr. Tuti Rahayu, M.Sc. from Unimed, Hajjah Bainah Binti Mustafa from IPG Darulaman Malaysia

The Dean of FBS Unimed Dr. Abdurahman Adisaputera, M.Hum., Said in his remarks at the opening of the event, “I welcome the Malaysian IPG group to the Sumatra Peninsula that still has Malay specialties. Hopefully with the arrival of the IPG group through this seminar, it can strengthen the Malay relations in the Malay Peninsula and the Sumatran Peninsula.

He continued Dr. Abdurahman also said that it cannot be denied that Malay language is one of the languages ​​that have spread throughout the world. It can be seen on the coast of Sumatra that there are still many people who use Malay not only in Thailand, Singapore, and even in Africa, Malay is also used. “The Malay kingdom is a big work to build this archipelago. That is why I hope that this seminar can improve our archipelago insight, especially regarding Malay language, besides that this seminar can realize the fabric of cooperation between Institutions both in academic and non-academic fields to improve the quality of campus professionalism. ”

Dr. Phil Ichwan Azhari as one of the speakers conveyed “In this seminar I presented headings according to the title of this status and I will reveal that the Malay Arabic script in Jawi written in Malaysia, in the Javanese Pegon script, for 500 years it has been an important character used in politics, international economics, education, literature, ethnics, and especially in the fields of Islam and also Christianity. The number of Islamic religious texts and literature with Arabic Malay characters has been identified in the tens of thousands in various museums and libraries abroad. this was discovered when the use of a stamp in earlier times where the stamp contained Latin Arabic script with the incorporation of Malay script “.

“One of the most recent discoveries is the sisingamangaraja flag found in the Dutch musem. the sisingamangaraja flag was found in the dutch museum because during the colonial period he was killed by the dutch and all his assets were brought to the Netherlands after some of his legacy was given to the dutch museum one of the researchers from indonesia had examined the flag and found the latin arabic script and Malay script, said the Indonesian historian this.