
" The Character Building University "

English Language Education Study Program FBS Unimed Increases Lecturer IELTS Ability

English Language Education Study Program FBS Unimed to improve the ability or quality of its lecturers in the IELTS field to hold FGD activities IELTS Quality Improvement Lecturer in English Education Study Program through Integrated Skill Aproach. The activity was held at the FBS English Multimedia Laboratory, (12/20/18).

English Language Study Program FGD FBS presents Instructor from the Language Center of the University of North Sumatra Dr. Bahagia Tarigan as a guest speaker. Also attending the FGD was the FBS Dean Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M. Hum., FBS Deputy Dean I Dr. Wahyu Tri Atmojo, M. Hum., FBS Deputy Dean III Dr. Marice, M.Hum., Head of the Postgraduate Program of the Faculty of Education and Information, Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A., Ph.D., Head of English Education Study Program Nora Ronita Dewi, S.S, M.Hum., And lecturer in English education study program FBS Unimed.

The FGD program was opened directly by the FBS Dean Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum. In her speech, the FBS Dean appreciated this activity. “The purpose of this FGD is to strengthen the expertise of lecturers in the IELTS field, so that later the English study program lecturers can increase the IELTS value of FBS students because this is in accordance with the wishes of the Chancellor who wants Unimed graduates to have high IELTS scores,” said FBS Dean Dr. Isda Pramuniati.

Dr. Bahagia Tarigan presented material on IELTS saying that IELTS was designed to assess the English language skills of someone who wanted to continue their studies, take scholarships and work abroad. The average IELTS score required to take an overseas scholarship is usually around 6.5.