
" The Character Building University "

UNIMED Rector Inaugurates International Standard Multimedia Language Laboratory at FBS

MEDAN – As a means of supporting the academic system, Rector of Medan State University, Dr. Syamsul Gultom, SKM., M. Kes., Inaugurated the latest Language Laboratory at FBS Unimed, Wednesday (03/03/2020). With the launch of the new laboratory, Unimed already has a Lab. The sophisticated and representative international standard multimedia language can be used in various academic activities, such as learning, training, professional toefl tests and also for non-academic activities to support income generation for UNIMED.

Its use is not only for English, but also for Indonesian and other foreign languages. To increase the competence of lecturers and students in mastering foreign languages.

The inauguration was attended by the Rector of Unimed Dr. Syamsul Gultom, SKM., M. Kes., The Vice Chancellors and Deans in the Unimed environment, Chairman of the Unimed Senate Prof. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., and Head of Department, Head of Study Program, Head of Laboratory in the FBS environment and Unimed English Language and Literature Lecturer.

Unimed Rector, Dr. Syamsul Gultom, SKM., M. Kes. said the complete and sophisticated language laboratory was a dream for the Unimed civitas together, with this multimedia language laboratory the language learning facilities for lecturers and students were met so as to create a sense of comfort for all civitas so that students and lecturers could continue to improve their competence in responding to challenges in the era 4.0

“A campus that continues to advance must have learning facilities that can support learning, one of which is a language laboratory. The language laboratory must also be complete and sophisticated in accordance with the progress of the age, and we have made this happen in our pride Unimed campus. Through this multimedia language laboratory, it can be functioned as well as possible in academic activities, namely as a medium for language learning in improving the quality of human resources of lecturers and students, especially in the field of both English and foreign languages. In addition to increasing the competence of lecturers and students, we will also use language development in general, both for government and the general public so that we can contribute to improving the quality of superior human resources to realize advanced Indonesia, “said the Chancellor.

Dean of the Unimed Language and Arts Faculty Dr. Abdurrahman Adisputera, M.Hum., Said, “With the inauguration of the Unimed language laboratory, this has become a new spirit for us together with the Unimed community. In addition, he hopes that in the future this language laboratory can improve the quality of students to be better and generate income generation for Unimed, especially the faculty of languages ​​and arts “. Said the Dean of FBS.