
" The Character Building University "

Rector Released 3520 Students For PPLT in 8 Regions


MEDAN (Unimed) – today Thursday, August 31, 2017 all Unimed leaders complete; from the Rector, the dean of FBS, FIS, FIK, FE and FIP, the Postgraduate Director was present specifically to deploy 3520 students who will carry out an integrated field experience program de top quality schools in 8 regions of North Sumatra. Also attended also Head of Education Office of North Sumatera Provincial Government to provide motivation to all students who will PPLT. The event took place in the Multipurpose Building Unimed in full spirit of students and lecturers.

The implementation pattern of Integrated Field Experience Program (PPLT) this year is based on study program. With the substance of the implementation pattern involving many Prodi in terms of guidance of the students, in cooperation with teachers pamong, equip, and guide in school during the next 3 months starting the first week of September until the end of November 2017 (for 12 weeks effective).

The PPLT implementation plan is limited to only a few districts of the city: Medan and Deli Serdang, but due to the fact reality of the various Prodi characteristics in Unimed, some Prodi must implement PPLT in Tobasa Regency, Tebing Tinggi City, Pematang Siantar City, Asahan, Sibolga and town Binjai. In addition to schools under Kemendikbud, the implementation of PPLT also involves schools from the Ministry of Religious Affairs.

Specific Prodi who implement PPLT in Kota District: Binjai, Tebing Tinggi, Sibolga, Asahan and Tobasa are Prodi Tata Boga, Makeup, Dressing, Building Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, French, German, Tata Commerce, Adm Offices and Bilingual Program FMIPA.

Prodi who will follow the Integrated Experience Program in several districts of the city in North Sumatra Province are: Indonesian Education, English Language Education, German Education, Music Art Education, Art Education, Dance Education, Office Administration Education, Accounting Education, Commerce, Pancasila Education and Citizenship, Anthropology Education, Biology Research, Physics Education, Chemistry Education, Mathematics Education, Bilingual Program, Catering Education, Physical Education, PJKR / PJS, Physical Education, Education Dress Fashion, PKK, Pend.Tata Makeup, Pendant Building Engineering, Pend. Electrical Engineering, Pend.Teknik Mesin, Pend. Automotive, PGSD, PAUD, and Pend. Counseling guidance.

There are 31 Prodi Kependidikan each student will implement PPLT program in 2017, namely; 3 Prodi in FIP, 7 Prodi FBS, 4 Prodi in FIS, 5 Prodi at FMIPA, 4 Prodi FE, 2 Prodi in FIK, 7 Prodi in FT are 31 Programs. A total of 358 Field Supervisors (DPL) are ready to guide all students in developing their knowledge in the field later. In this program, the number of schools involved includes PAUD / Kindergarten, Elementary, Junior High School, Vocational High School, Senior High School. The scattered in some urban districts is 188 schools.

Head of UPPL Prof. Dr. Pargaulan Siagian, M.Pd, thanked the Rector, and the Wakill Rector I, the father / mother of the Dean of Prodi, the Head of Education Office of Tk. I North Sumatera Province, Head of District / Municipal Education Office present and all students who will follow PPLT. This release we start with a prayer to God YME hopefully this year PPLT implementation can run successfully and safely. We are persuasive to the students in order to keep themselves and as soon as possible to mingle with the community of PPLT location so that we can easily carry out PPLT, and immediately coordinate with DPL lecturer and we are campus if there is any problem disturbing PPLT field.

Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd, after delivering his speech, officially released PPLT Students to apply their knowledge and gain experience in PPLT program in schools where dedication later. The Rector submits the Integrated Field Experience Program (PPLT) is very important for our students, especially the educators, because in addition to adding insight they also add experience in educating “so that when you become an educator later you are ready to face the world of education and ready to share knowledge you have to the students in the schools where you serve later, because to create a developed country should start from education “, he said.

“I, we all Unimed academic community hope all students can take this opportunity with the best. Keep the good name of Unimed, and be honest in performing the task or perform the action, because honesty is the positive nature of human beings, honesty is part of the self-esteem that must be maintained because of high value, lost money can be searched again but loss of honesty can not be searched again, and do not forget to have frequent self introspection “he continued.

Once again we hope that students who will undergo this PPLT always given health and keep the spirit to implement their knowledge in placement schools. Good luck to all of you. (Unimed Public Relations).