
" The Character Building University "

To Improve Research Quality, FBS Unimed collaboration with Malaysia UUM SLCP

The Delegation of the Language and Arts Faculty of the State University of Medan (FBS Unimed) collaborated with the Center for Language Study, Tamadun and Falsafah (School of Languanges, Civilization and Philosophy (SLCP)) Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) on December 18-19 2018 in the Mesyurat Baiduri Room , SLCP UUM Malaysia, Kedah.

This collaboration aims at joint research (research collaboration), collaboration in academics and cultural (socio-cultural) exchanges. The Memorandum of Understanding was signed by Prof. Dr. Shukri Ahmad (Dean of the Center for Language Study, Tamadun and Falsafah, Malaysian SLCP UUM) with Dr. Wahyu Triatmojo, M. Hum. (Deputy Dean I of FBS) accompanied by Prof. Amrin Saragih, MA., Ph. D. (Head of the Unimed Postgraduate Study Program). Also attending witnessed the MoU from UUM including Prof. Intermediate Dato ’Nuraini Yusoff (Chair of the Alignment of the Malay Language Unit in the Concelor Position), Dr. Rafizah Moh Taiwan (Management of the MoU / MoA Office of the Center for Language Study, Tamadun and Philosophy), Dr. Melor Fauzita Md Yusoff (Alignment of the Malay Language Undergraduate Course in the Center for Language Study, Tamadun and Philosophy), and Mohammad Faizal Bin Hj Azid (Registering Helper at the Center for Language Study, Tamadun and Philosophy).

FBS Deputy Dean I Dr. Wahyu Tri Atmojo expressed his gratitude to the SLCP UUM for welcoming FBS Unimed. Dr. Wahyu also said the purpose of this coming “we have done a lot of MoU’s with various kinds of universities but we still look forward to the action but on this occasion Prof. Amrin Saragih can directly bridge FBS Unimed with the SLCP UUM so we immediately took this opportunity and took steps to collaborate with the SLCP in the field of research (joint research) especially in research on linguistics and literature, “.

Dr. Wahyu also said that the implementation of collaborative research on learning English and Indonesian / Malay Literature between Unimed and UUM received strong encouragement and motivation from the FBS Dean, Ms. Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum.

SLCP Dean Prof. Shukri Ahmad welcomes this partnership. “Hopefully this collaboration will run in line with our expectations, we are proud that Medan State University, especially the Faculty of Language and Arts Unimed is collaborating with SLCP. Hopefully we in the future can share information, indexed scientific publications and also can provide convenience for lecturers in the field of linguistic and literary research. “