
" The Character Building University "

Strengthening Cooperation, the French Embassy Visits UNIMED

MEDAN – The French Embassy visited Medan State University in order to strengthen the partnership that had been established previously. The French Embassy is committed to developing university, science and French collaboration with Medan State University. The meeting took place in the Unimed Rector’s Office, (Tuesday, 4/2).

Representatives who came included, Stephane Dovert from the French Institute of Indonesia (IFI), Annisa Fauziah (Deputy of University Cooperation Attache), Pogy Kurniawan (Chairperson of the Alliance Francaise Foundation in Medan) and Nur Hidayah (Person in Charge of Campus France Medan). Also welcoming their arrival included the Unimed Rector along with the Vice Rector, the FBS Dean, Chair of International Affairs, Foreign Language Study Program and Unimed French Lecturer.

Stephane Dovert said “We plan to strengthen and improve relations between IFI, AF Medan and Unimed and discuss the possibility of cooperation in the fields of culture, education, linguistics, science and technology and higher education.”

Unimed Rector Dr. Syamsul Gultom, SKM., M. Kes. welcomed the arrival of the French embassy in Unimed. “Of course the cooperation that we have built will continue to be improved and renewed according to the needs of the times. Especially in preparing for institutional accreditation, cooperation, lecturer and student exchanges, and joint research with domestic and foreign agencies greatly influences. We are open to collaboration in developing and improving the quality of education, research and community service.