
" The Character Building University "

Unimed Executor Semirata BKS PTN Western Region and International Seminar


MEDAN – Semirata BKS PTN West Indonesia Region is an annual forum consistently implemented as a forum for sharing or sharing information through seminars and annual meetings in the fields of language, literature, art and culture. The faculty leaders in the fields of language, literature, arts and culture meet annually in Semirata as a forum for discussion of the latest findings in teaching, research and community service, as well as the latest government policies.

BKS PTN is a forum for gathering of faculty leaders from various western universities in the field of linguistics, literature, arts and culture. The Head of Faculty is Dean of FKIP Unsyiah, Dean of FIB USU, Dean of FBS Unimed, Dean of FBS UNP Padang, Dean of FSRD ISI Padang Panjang, Dean of FSB ISI Padang Panjang, Dean of FIB University of Andalas, Dean of FKIP University of Riau, Dean of FKIP University of Bengkulu, Dean of FKIP University of Sriwijaya, Dean of FKIP University of Jambi, Dean of FIB University of Jambi, Dean of FBS UNJ Jakarta, Dean of FKIP University of Tirtayasa, Dean of FKIP University of Palangkarya, Dean of FKIP University of Pontianak, Dean of FKIP University of Lambung Mangkurat, Dean of FKIP University of Lampung, Dean of Faculty of Adab Humanities and Science Culture UIN Ar-Raniry, Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training UIN Suska.

Semirata BKS West Region 2017 held at the State University of Medan and Hotel Emeral Medan on 12- 14 September 2017. Various series of events held, including 1. International Seminar with the theme “Building Nation Civilizations through language, literature, culture and art”, 2. The annual meeting of BKS PTN West for Language, Literature, Arts and Culture 3. Art Exhibition, 4. Dance and music workshop followed by three universities, namely Medan State University, Indonesian Art Institute of Padang Panjang, and Universitas Negeri Padang .

The International Seminar presents speakers, Prof. Dr. Ramon Santos, Ph.D. (University of Philipines), Prof. Dr. David Reeve (University of New South Wals Australia) and Dr. Marco Stahlhut (Germany).

The opening of Semirata and International Seminar was opened by Rector Unimed, Prof. Dr. Shawwal Gultom, M. Pd .. Marked by beating gong and surrender of cindera heart to resource person and executive secretary of BKS PTN Wil.Barat.

Rector Unimed Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd very appreciate Semirata implemented by BKS PTN Western Region field of language, literature, art and culture. He said North Sumatra is a miniature of Indonesia, there are many tribes, cultures, languages ​​and arts united in North Sumatra.

The diversity in North Sumatra is the reason why North Sumatra is the miniature of Indonesia. Therefore, it is very fitting if Semirata implemented in Medan.

He continued, the discussion and writing about the culture in Indonesia itself is also very difficult to obtain. Culture is only disseminated through oral decline down not contained in the book, very little research and literature that explains about the culture in Indonesia. So it is very difficult to explore the cultural potential that exists in society. He exemplifies about the culture of batak, today many young generation batak tribe who do not know their own culture. I hope there will be a mutual recommendation and agreement, so that there will be a renewable finding of language, literature, arts and culture for us to develop in each state university. Furthermore, we can re-develop in learning, research and community service on campus respectively.

Dr. FBS Dean Isda Pramuniati, M. Hum, in his speech said welcome to all dean / mothers dean of various PTN Wil. West Indonesia, and all invitations present. Hopefully Semirata 2017 can produce the best deal for the development of science field of language, literature, art and culture and can contribute to build nation civilization. Thank you for the presence of all participants, hopefully in Medan the father / mother feel comfortable and happy.

Also attending the event were Vice Chancellors, Unimed Environment Deans, PPs Director, head of Unimed Institution, Chairman of BKS West Region. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum, Executive Secretary of West BKS Entis S Halimi, M.Sc., All Deans, Vice Deans and Lecturers / researchers from all PTN West Indonesia. (Unimed Public Relations)