
" The Character Building University "

Pussis-Unimed and the Provincial Government Hold a One-Century North Sumatra Newspaper Exhibition

MEDAN – In order to welcome the National Press Day (HPN) on February 9, 2019, the Center for the Study of History and Social Sciences of the State University of Medan (Pussis-Unimed) together with the Government of North Sumatra Province (Pemprovsu) held “One Century Exhibition of North Sumatra Newspapers” held on 6-8 February 2019 at the Lobby of the North Sumatra Governor’s Office, Jalan Pangeran Diponegoro No. 30 Medan. This exhibition featured around 80 newspapers published in North Sumatra from 1923 to 1970.

The exhibition was officially opened by the Regional Secretary of the Provincial Government, Ms. Sabrina, who represented the Governor of North Sumatra. The event was also attended by Unimed Deputy Rector II, Dr. Restu, M.S; Chair of Pussis-Unimed Dr. phil. Ichwan Azhari, M.S, Chairperson of the PWI Sumut Honorary Board Mr. Sofian Harahap, journalists, academics and students from a number of campuses in Medan.

The Regional Secretary of North Sumatra in his remarks revealed that North Sumatra was the pioneer of the Indonesian press. This province has the most press releases in Indonesia. The number reached approximately 147 newspapers from 1880 to 1942. Even North Sumatra became the pioneer of women’s newspapers in Indonesia. The newspaper Moved Perempoean which was published in Medan in 1919, Soeara Iboe in Sibolga in 1932, and Boroe Tapanoeli in Kotanopan in 1940 were three women’s newspapers which pioneered the involvement of women in the world of journalism in this country.

In North Sumatra this is the first time a newspaper has dared to use the word “Merdeka” as the name of its organ during the Dutch colonial period. During the independence war (1945-1949), North Sumatra had the Soeloeh Merdeka newspaper, Mimbar Oemoem and Waspada, which always stirred up the spirit of Indonesia’s independence struggle. Even the newspaper of the General and Alert Platform is still published today. “This great General Pulpit and Alert, still exists from the past to the present. Let’s give appreciation, “said the Secretary.

Not only is the number difficult, North Sumatra also has a press figure named Parada Harahap who gets the title “Raja Delik Press” in Indonesia. Parada got the nickname because he was often subjected to offense and imprisonment due to his writings which always criticized the Dutch colonial.

“If tens of years ago, newspapers made themselves a means of struggle, then nowadays newspapers are a source of information in developing the country. Therefore, the Governor hopes that in the future more and more media will stand up to create a better democratic climate, “said the Regional Secretary.

“The Governor advised that the Provincial Government of North Sumatra is very well prepared if it is appointed as the host of HPN in 2020. For this reason, the Governor gave direction to the relevant Regional Devices Organizations to prepare all plans and ensure that North Sumatra was chosen as the host of HPN in 2020. Not only the government, the Governor also advised that all North Sumatra people play an active role. Let us together succeed in HPN 2020 as a good host, “he said.

Pussis-Unimed head, Ichwan Azhari, in his remarks hoped the Provincial Government could continue to secure the valuable historical heritage of North Sumatra. He hoped that this exhibition could inspire the current generation about the importance of learning history.

“Now it’s easier to get North Sumatra newspapers published 100 years ago than 10 years ago. Because in the colonial period, the Dutch government always kept newspapers published throughout the Dutch East Indies for the sake of intelligence. But, now we are ignorant to save every published newspaper, “Ichwan said.

On the first day it opened, “The North Sumatra News One-Century Exhibition” was attended by hundreds of visitors from all walks of life. Many visitors were enthusiastic about seeing the newspaper on display. Not only that, many visitors also take advantage of old typewriters which are on display as a selfie.