
" The Character Building University "

National Seminar of Early Childhood “Educating Children with Heart”


Medan – Prodi PG PAUD FIP Unimed and Ikatan PAUD North Sumatera University held a National Seminar “Educating Children with Heart” in Unimed Auditorium on 07 October 2017. The speakers who delivered the material are; Rector Unimed Prof. Dr. Shawwal Gultom. M.Pd. as the keynote speaker, Fauziah Fauzan (Diniyyah Puteri Padang Panjang) and Dr. Hj. Khadijah, M.Ag (Chairman of the Association of Early Childhood Education North Sumatra).

The National Seminar was attended by 750 participants from Unimed, UIN North Sumatra, UMN Al-Washliyah, UMSU, Sari Mutiara University, Tarbiyah School of Tarbiyah Ar-Raudah Langkat, teachers from the bonds of Indonesian kindergarten teacher of North Sumatra and teacher association Raudhatul Athfal Sumatera Utara .

Also present at the national seminar was Unimed Rector Prof. Dr. Shawwal Gultom. M.Pd., UIN Rector of North Sumatra Prof. Dr. Saidurrahman, M. Ag, Head of PG PAUD Unimed Dra. Kamtini, S.Pd., M.Pd as chairman of the committee and lecturers from various campuses in Medan.

Chairman of the Association of PAUD Study Program. Hj. Khadijah, M.Ag stated that this national seminar was held to build cooperation between head of PAUD project in North Sumatera in the development of PAUD education and tiered training for PAUD lecturers, and the preparation of PGTK / PAUD curriculum oriented to character building and talent interest development protege.

Rector Unimed Prof. Dr. Shawwal Gultom. M.Pd in ​​his opening remarks said educating with the heart will never get bored because it is the most difficult job to educate, teachers PGTK / early childhood should be able to educate young people who will fill and become the continuation of Indonesia’s future. Unimed Rector also said educating by heart must also be in accordance with the educational content supported by PAUD teachers who are competent and professional. Prof. Syawal expects that this national seminar will be able to formulate curriculum, tiered training and proper teaching process in PAUD.

“Standard of professional competence is an ability that must be owned by an early childhood teacher in doing planning and learning process. Professional teachers are capable of mastering the material to achieve learning objectives. To get the quality of teaching or can be called a professional teacher there are 4 competencies that must be achieved namely paedagogik, personality, professional and social. These four competencies can be owned by teachers through formal education, active trainings and discussions among teachers in the organization. I hope the bond of Prodi PAUD can be a role for teachers in shaping teacher professionalism toward the result of PAUD education as expected by national curriculum and parents. The program of educating with the heart in education in early childhood is a matter must be realized in the process of education in the classroom for early childhood teachers, “said Prof. Shawwal.

Fauziah Fauzan in his presentation said to educate children with the heart needed to form the character of the child. There are 5 things to do in educating the child with a heart that is Understanding the chronological age and biological age of children, comfortable body language, positive speech and the use of 5 the right continuum, exemplary and loving. (Unimed Public Relations).