
" The Character Building University "

PUSDIP-KLH UNIMED Holds the Olympiad of Environmental Science


MEDAN (Unimed) – Environmental degradation in Indonesia has reached a very alarming stage. Forest conversion has occurred massively in the last 20-30 years so that very few natural tropical rainforests contained in North Sumatra are still left. Forest fires occurring in peat swamps in Indonesia, especially in Sumatra and Kalimantan have been very worrying and occur every year and have become a serious concern of the world community and the smoke not only causes serious local disruption but also greatly pollutes the atmosphere of neighboring countries.

Center for Education of Population and Environment (Pusdip KLH) State University of Medan who have concern for environmental sustainability take steps to participate to maintain environment. One way is to hold the Environmental Science Olympiad held Saturday, (9/9), in the Auditorium Unimed.

The 9th North Sumatera Provincial Environmental Science Olympiad was attended by 971 participants with details for elementary / MI levels followed by 230 students from 75 schools. For junior high school / MTs, there were 348 students from 42 schools and for SMA / MA / SMK followed by 393 students from 38 schools in all regencies / cities in North Sumatera.

Chairman of Pusdip-KLH Unimed Syarifuddin, M.Sc., Ph.D said environmental pollution from households, agriculture, vehicles to factories has made water, air and land banks especially in polluted cities. Unfortunately public attention including students in various environmental issues is still low if not to say very low. Therefore the Olympic activities of environmental knowledge are expected to encourage students to know and learn about environmental knowledge more often and intensely, and in turn students will behave. At the end of his speech he invited and guided all participants of the Environmental Science Olympiad to pledge and promise to save the environment in Indonesia, pledging to be ambassadors of the environment in their respective schools.

Vice Rector II State University of Medan, Dr. Restu, M.S. in the opening speech when opening this event said the activity is quite inspirational and hopefully can be a vehicle for the formation of the character of students in North Sumatra to love the environment.

“The environment should be used as a medium in learning in schools, because the environment is a natural concrete form that is close to the students. I also hope that all schools in North Sumatra can form the environment around the school in order to be used as a medium of learning, as well as media stimulants healthy living. We are Unimed with our ability to always make progress towards improving the quality of education in North Sumatera and encourage the creation of a comfortable and prosperous school environment, “Restu said.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Committee Amrizal, S.Si., M.Pd, said that the Environmental Science Olympiad of North Sumatra Province aims to socialize environmental knowledge through the level of understanding based on written and oral competence test. While the benefits are: a) students (students) increase awareness and awareness of the importance of love for the environment. b) change the behavior of students to be embedded in the soul of the body to be people who care about the environment. The theme of this activity is “Protecting Ozone, Protecting Us”.

Olympic Winner

Winner for Elementary School / MI: First Winner: M. Gafrans Harahap from SD Qurrata Ayyun Tebing Tinggi, 2nd Winner: Keiza Adeeta AF from SD Namira Medan, 3rd Winner: Salfiza Salwa nasution from MIN 1 Medan, For the winner of Hope 1: Nadhira Adya Arsang from SD Asy-Syafiyyah, Hope 2: Irene Feby Rotua M, from Private High School Budidarma Tebing Tinggi, Hope 3: Seli Syahpika from MIN Simpang 4, Champion for elementary level SD Qurrata Ayyun Tebing Tinggi.

The winners for Junior High School / MTs are: 1st Winner: Salman Shiddiq, from M.Ts Negeri Rantau Prapat, 2nd Winner: Octaviani P Ginting, from SMP Negeri 1 Sunggal, 3rd Winner: Ohan Prada H Sitorus, from SM Tandean Tebing Tinggi, Hope 1: Damar Yudhisthira, from SMP N 1 Sunggal, Hope 2: Adelia Adriani, from SMP N 1 Tebing Tinggi, Hope 3: Ade Husna, from SMP N 1 Tebing Tinggi. The overall champion for SMP / MTs is SMP Negeri 1 Sunggal.

Winner for SMA / MA / SMK level are: 1st Winner: Puja Fatimah, from MAN 1 Medan, 2nd Winner: Rashid Ridha, from SMA Negeri 1 Medan, 3rd Winner: Justinus, from SMA Negeri 2 Balige Hope 1: Yos Andres, from SMA Negeri 2 Balige, Harapan 2: Zidan, from SMA Negeri 1 Matauli Pandan, Harapan 3: Peris Petrus, from SMA Negeri 2 balige, Champion for SMA / MA / SMK namely SMA Negeri 2 Balige. (Unimed Public Relations)