
" The Character Building University "

Increase Competency Lecturers at STIE Sultan Agung Cooperate Unimed Give PEKERTI-AA

PEMATANG SIANTAR – STIE Sultan Agung, Siantar collaborated with Unimed in improving the quality of education, service and research quality. This was marked by the signing of the MoU which was held by the Unimed Chancellor Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd. with Head of STIE Sultan Agung Dr. Darwin Lie, SE, MM was witnessed by the secretary of education in the foundation John Lidia, S.Pd, deputy chairmen, head of study programs, heads of institutions, heads of bureaus and lecturers while attended from Unimed the Vice Rector I Prof. Dr. Abdul Hamid K, M. Pd., Vice Rector IV Prof. Manihar Situmorang, M.Sc., Ph.D, PEKERTI-AA LP2AI Team and Chairperson of North Sumatra Region I LLDikti Prof. Dr. Dian Armanto, M.Pd., M.Sc. in the Hall of STIE Sultan Agung, Siantar (1/24).

Head of STIE Sultan Agung Dr. Darwin Lie, SE, MM thanked Unimed for being willing to cooperate in improving education, community service and research specifically for Pekerti AA. We continue to be committed to being able to compete so as to become a superior STIE in North Sumatra, National and International. We collaborate with Unimed because we consider unimed the most credible and experienced in improving the quality of education.

He continued, “We are very happy and proud to be able to collaborate with Unimed. With the existence of the MoU / collaboration this makes it easier for us to improve education and community service. ”

In addition to the MoU, Lecturers and Head of Study Programs participated in the Instructional Technique (PEKERTI) Basic Skills Improvement Program and Applied Approach (AA) which began with Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd regarding Higher Education Quality Assurance and Accreditation Systems.

Unimed Rector Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M. Pd. inspired the lecturers by explaining how to improve the quality of students, graduates, lecturers, and educational curricula, one of which was by explaining the IQF.

He said “Lecturers are an important component in the learning process and as a determinant of the quality of students. Therefore, increasing the competence and skills of lecturers must be done. One of them is by joining the PEKERTI-AA program. PEKERTI stands for Instructional Engineering Basic Skills Improvement Program, while AA is an Applied Approach program.

Both programs aim to improve the competence and professionalism of lecturers in holding functional positions, especially in improving pedagogical skills. Lectures if only providing knowledge will not give the future, but lectures that shape character and virtue will give birth to the best generations that can build the nation’s future. This is the responsibility of a college. ”

Besides Prof. Syawal, PEKERTI / AA STIE Sultan Agung also presented other speakers from Unimed like Prof. Dr. Abdul Hamid K. who explained the Management of Higher Education Learning Systems, Dr. Restu, MS. with Adult Learning material, Prof. Dr. Sahat Siagian with his exposure to the Constructivism Approach, Prof. Manihar Situmorang, Ph.D with exposure to the Student Center Learning, Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum. who explained about Ethics and Morals in Learning, Dr. Martina Restuati, M.Sc, who explained about Alternative Assessment, Research and Innovation in Learning, Dr. Syamsul Gultom, M.Kes. who explained about the Development of Teaching & Tech Materials. Writing Scientific Work, Prof. Dr. Efendi Napitupulu explained one of his material regarding Interactive Multimedia Learning Model, and finally Prof. Dr. Julaga Situmorang explained one of the material regarding Instructional System Design.