
" The Character Building University "

FMIPA UNIMED Students Got 2 Silver Medals at MTE 2020 Malaysia International Event

FMIPA UNIMED students won 2 silver medals at the prestigious Malaysia Technology Expo 2020 International event at the Putra World Trade Center (PWTC) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This event takes place from February 19-22, 2020. This international event where the inventors have the opportunity to connect with the market and show their ideas to various manufacturers, distributors and businesses. Inventors get a great opportunity to support their products among a crowd full of potential business buyers, private organizations and clients.

There were 2 teams representing Unimed, the first team with members Dhinta Dwi Yulianti, Angga Dwi Saputra, Nabila Syafa Fattiya, Tiomas Harahap, Yuli Masita Sari, Rio Madani Sitompul and Siti Ramah Alfida Yati with the title “SOL” The Development of Environmental Friendly Friendly Pulp Papper for Sustainable Natula Resource and Supervisor Halim SImatupang, M.Pd.

And the second team with members of Haida Aritonang, Yulia Ayu Utami Tarigan, Aulia Ramadhani, Dwi Anggreani Hanifah, Frandika Arif Caniago, Alek Candra Sinaga, and Elisabeth Grace Damanik with the title Rediction of Co2, Vocs and Dust.

The Dean of FMIPA Dr. Fauziyah Harahap, M.Sc. congratulates its students who won 2 silver medals at the prestigious Malaysia Technology Expo 2020 International event. This achievement is a pride for us Unimed FMIPA community members, hopefully it can provide motivation and become an example for other students to continue to work and make achievements. “As leaders, we appreciate this achievement and continue to be committed to encouraging students to take part in competitions like this, so as to foster student creativity and innovation,” said the Dean of FMIPA in his office.

FMIPA Dean continued, “Events like this are very good to follow, because they are a place for students to explore their potential, develop ideas and creativity. Learn to get out of the comfort zone of learning on campus, if you want to be a successful person you have to learn a lot, innovate and continue to explore experiences “.