
" The Character Building University "

NEC VIII 2019 Increase Language Skills to Face the Industrial Revolution 4.0

MEDAN – National English Competition VIII which was held by the FBS English Language and Literature Education Department Unimed on 4-6 March 2019, held at the Unimed Multipurpose Building. The theme of this event was “Enhancing Intellectuality and Creativity to Counter The Challenges of Industry Revolution 4.0”. The event was filled with 9 competitions are Essay Competition, Speech Contest, Debate Competition, English Olympiad, Poetry Reading Competition, G-CRESBO (Green Creative Student’s Board), Scrabble Competition, Story Telling, and Singing Competition.

The participants in the event were 1,100 participants consisting of SMP / equivalent, high school / equivalent, and students college throughout Indonesia, from Cendrawasih University, Gadjah Mada University, IPB, STIS, Panca Budi University, University of North Sumatra etc., to MAN 1 Langkat, MAN 2 Langkat, SMAN 2 Tebing Tinggi, SMAN 1 Medan, etc. This event also fights for cash prizes + certificates + trophies.

The opening of the event which was attended by thousands of participants took place lively. Also attending the Unimed Rector Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., Vice Rector I Prof. Dr. Abdul Hamid K., M.Pd., Vice Rector II Dr. Restu, M.Sc., Vice Rector IV Prof. Drs. Manihar Situmorang, M.Sc.Ph.D., FBS Dean Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M. Hum., WD III FBS Dr. Marice, M. Hum, along with the Chair and Secretary of the BSI Unimed Department, Head of Study Program, all Unimed English Language lecturers and Participant Teachers.

FBS Dean Unimed Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M. Hum., Conveyed, “This activity was also initiated to assist the acquisition of student portfolios from schools and college preparation in completing SPKI (Certificate of Companion for Diploma) which in the world of work requires a set of talents won in regional, national and international level. ”

Continued FBS Dean, “One of the activities initiated was one of the lighters because of one survey agency based in America. National Association College Surveillance is an institution that conducts surveys of all competencies needed by the world of work. There are 21 competing competencies, one of which is the Language field which ranks 3rd, 7th and 21st. In the 21 skills needed by the workforce there are mentioned communication skills in written, verbal and foreign language fields. Therefore this activity forms to see the extent and how of challenges in facing the 4.0 industrial revolution. ”

Unimed Rector Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd. conveyed at the opening of the event, “I appreciate this activity because can challenge the 4.0 industrial revolution, because we like it or not, we cannot avoid the industrial revolution 4.0. which is marked by changes and shifts with the example of 6 out of 10 new jobs in the future that we do not yet know what the job is. Big data is also one of the signs of the 4.0 industrial revolution because everyone relies on data which analyzes and understands complex data with internet of think, robotic, and connectivity. Where are the signs that we must read carefully.

National Competition VIII is a place for students to develop their potential. Containers that should continue to develop so as to provide more space for students, or lecturers with teachers in schools to synergize English learning for mutual progress.