
" The Character Building University "

Utilization of Digital Applications in Drug Prevention in Schools

MEDAN – Medan State University collaborated with the National Narcotics Agency of North Sumatra Province, this was marked by the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) and a Cooperation Agreement Letter (SPK) by the Rector of Unimed Dr. Syamsul Gultom, SKM., M. Kes. and the Head of the BNN Provsu Brigjenpol. Drs. Atrial, SH. in Courtroom A lt III Unimed Central Administration Building, Monday (17/2).

Also attending the event were Vice Rector, Postgraduate Director, Unimed Dean of Environment, Chair of LPPM and Chair of LPPMP. The program then continued with information dissemination activities on P4GN and Eduda programs for students, teachers and lecturers of guidance and counseling. With the guest speaker Drs. Tuangkus Harianja give P2M BNN Provsu to fill out P4GN socialization, Prof. Dr. Rosmala Dewi, M.Pd, Kons completed the Eduda Program material and Drs. Saut Aritonang SH, M.Hum. filler regarding education policy on narcotics eradication.

In his remarks, Unimed Rector Dr. Syamsul Gultom said we really appreciate the implementation of this collaboration. As a government institution, we together build and create young people who excel, excel and are free from drugs. “Certainly this collaboration and collaboration can have a positive impact on the eradication of drugs in the education environment. For this reason, real efforts are needed to prevent the younger generation from the influence of narcotics by providing counseling, raising awareness for healthy living and activities that educate millennial children. Eduda adjusted the demands of the industrial revolution 4.0 era, one of the issues of the internet of things, digital age, AI, collaboration and big data. We must use the internet to facilitate work. Eduda Program is a digital-designed application for teachers, counselors, students and parents, so that teachers can monitor students in lessons and can provide education about the dangers of drugs so that students can avoid the dangers of drugs. Whereas for Unimed Students can increase awareness, especially counseling guidance program students and can be effective for adolescents in their neighborhood to avoid the dangers of drugs, “said the Rector of Unimed.

Meanwhile, the Head of BNN Provsu Drs. Atrial, SH in his speech said according to the statement of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Ir. Joko Widodo that Indonesia was a drug emergency. “Responding to the President’s statement, one of our activities is to collaborate with Unimed with the Education of Drugs Adversity (Eduda) program. As is known, the state builders from schools started from the Eduda program, which was designed by the team to be very appropriate to help education implementers play a role in accordance with technological demands. All parents, teachers, and fellow students can carry out the role of educators anywhere at any time, the educational process takes place with the help of an android mobile phone there is no longer a limitation of time and place to carry out their duties as educators. ”

Furthermore, the Head of BBN Provsu said “With the Eduda program it can prevent and hope that Unimed students and students are not involved with drugs, then without drugs Unimed students and students can finish college on time.”