
" The Character Building University "

FBS Lecturer Introduces Batak Culture to the World in France

Unimed French Lecturer, Dr. Andi Wete Polili, M. Hum. became the winner of the world French language competition “Bienvenue à Nice”. This event is intended for French language teachers in the world, there are 5 continents (Asia, Africa, Australia, Europe) who are the winners and represent their respective countries. The winner is given a scholarship to deepen the field of pedagogic and French culture as well as the cultural exchange of each country. Every week the participants present about the culture, tourism of each country. He also got this scholarship given by the “des universités de la Francophonia, France.

Dr. Andi Wete Polili, M. Hum. said “as a North Sumatra person, I presented ulos cloth, tor tor dance, Batak culture in front of the public (instructors, winners, students) in French. And of course Indonesia as a whole must be explained because some participants are not very familiar with Indonesia but Bali, Lombok, Labuan Bajo, they are very memorized. That is the task as a national ambassador for Indonesia to be better known. Participants were very enthusiastic about asking about Indonesian culture and tourism. Very lucky to get this scholarship given by the “des universités de la Francophonia, France. This activity will take place in the city of NICE, southern France from 6 January 2020 to 7 February 2020. ”

In different places, the Dean of FBS Dr. Abdurrahman Adisaputera, M.Hum. congratulate Dr. Andi Wete Polili, M. Hum. for being the winner of the world French language competition “Bienvenue à Nice” and received a scholarship by “des universités de la Francophonia, France. This makes us proud of Unimed academics. Because our lecturers are also ambassadors representing Indonesia, which can also promote culture, diversity and tourism in Indonesia, especially in North Sumatra. Hopefully after returning to the country, it can make a real contribution to the progress of the nation and also Unimed as a PTN, particularly in the fields of education and culture.