
" The Character Building University "

Attaché de Cooperation Linguistique Institute Francais D ‘Indonesie Visit UNIMED

MEDAN – Attache of the French Embassy Philippe Grangé visited Medan State University specifically to the Language and Arts Faculty, French Language Education Study Program. This visit took place along with the commemoration of World French Day “la semaine de la francophonie” on Tuesday (April 23, 2019)

Before visiting FBS Philipe visited the Unimed Rector’s Bureau and was welcomed by the Vice Rector III Prof. Dr. Sahat Siagian, M.Pd., who was accompanied by the FBS Dean Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M. Hum., FBS Deputy Dean III Dr. Marice, M. Hum., Head of Foreign Languages, Head of the French Language Department, Secretary of the French Language S2 Study Program , and expert staff in the field of Unimed international cooperation in the Rector Meeting Room of Medan State University.

Deputy Rector IV. Prof. Manihar Situmorang, M.Sc., Ph.D. when welcoming the arrival of the French Ambassador Attache said hopefully with the arrival of the Attache of the French Embassy Philippe Grangé who is an expert in French language education can help solve problems in teaching French in high school / vocational school and hopefully in the future cooperation can be done between the Attache of the French Embassy and Unimed in particular FBS Unimed French Language Department so that French language education can produce human resources who are experts in the French language so that they can be accepted abroad and can live well in the future.

Then the group visited the Digital Library Unimed building, and ended with a discussion with the lecturers of the French Language Education Study Program and French High School/Vocational School Teachers in North Sumatra and Aceh. that takes place in the FBS Meeting Room,

“This discussion activity discusses the conditions of teaching French in high school / vocational schools in North Sumatra and Aceh, what are the problems and what solutions we will make in the future,” said Andi Wete Polili, S.Pd., M.Hum, a France Language lecturer in Unimed .