
" The Character Building University "

Prof. Syawal: Critical Thinking Ability, Communication and Cooperation Are Needed in the Future

Google provides information but cannot teach, manage and train skills. That can help process that information to teachers and parents. It’s about attitude and morals. More importantly our children are taught the ability to think critically, communicate and cooperate because it is more needed in the future.

It was presented by Prof. Syawal Gultom, professor and Chairman of the Senate of Medan State University (UNIMED) in a webinar series themed on preparing parents to become teachers at home.

If given the ability to think critically, the ability to communicate along with the ability to work together will appear creativity. And if you have creativity, you will be able to work on jobs that do not exist yet, said Rector unimed period 2007-2011 and 2015-2019.

Prof. Syawal appreciates the concern of 6 districts / cities that are serious about preparing distance learning can still be effective in various ways. “If there is an award that has high value, then UNIMED wants to give as a form of invaluable appreciation to these 6 head of the education officer (Kadis Pendidikan). Because if Kadis already cares, then the teachers and principals will care”

This webinar is part of a movement to encourage the role of parents in educating children. This webinar was attended by 6 districts of the city, namely the city of Medan Binjai Pematang Siantar Karo Batubara and Asahan. There were about 2,000 teachers and parents through Zoom meeting from 100 partner schools and about 1,000 people through Youtube streaming. In school the implementation is done with nobar model, watch together.

Also present were all the Heads of Education Office 6 districts / cities, namely Ilyas Sitorus from Batu Bara, Adlan from Medan City, Sofyan Marpaung from Asahan, Rosmayana from Pematang Siantar, Eddi Surianta from Karo and Sriulina Ginting from Binjai.

In the opening presentation, Tanoto Foundation’s smart program director Margaretha Ari Widowati expressed appreciation for webinars that can embrace 6 districts/cities at once and invite all partner schools and model schools in the area to attend by inviting Teachers and Parents. “Only with the cooperation of various parties can quality education be implemented”, he concluded. Ari then hopes that the policy will be conducive to supporting the role of parents in learning at home.

Meanwhile, the next speaker, Prof. Sri Minda Murni, unimed professor and coordinator of LPTK Tanoto Foundation North Sumatra, said that teachers need to prepare simple and easy-to-understand modules when studying at home so that students do not get confused and parents do not get dizzy seven rounds. Therefore, the module must be able to make students feel empowered, can be done independently and can represent the presence of teachers in the classroom.