
" The Character Building University "

Prof. Syawal: During the Covid-19 Pandemic Teachers Must Be Creative in Developing Learning Methods

“No one knows when the COVID-19 pandemic will end but even so we must be able to accept this Covid-19 pandemic and coexist with Covid-19, so that activities continue to run as usual as well as education because education should not stop in any situation,” said UNIMED Professor Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd at the IKA UNIMED national webinar (02/07/2020)

Prof. Syawal who filled in as a speaker in this webinar said that teachers are the main actors in forming students in this pandemic situation. Therefore, teachers must be able to continue to create creative learning methods to students so that the learning continues to take place well at home. This is done because teachers are an important war to create the golden generation of Indonesia 2045 because students are the responsibility of teachers.

Furthermore, Prof. Syawal said that in order for Education to continue to run in this pandemic situation we must be able to interpret this pandemic by 1 proving the collapse of the aqueals and theand strong to us, 2. building mutuality principles of mutual giving, accepting and appreciating, 3. Covid forces us to change both in terms of mindset, methodology and behavior while still paying attention to the value system this is evidenced by our behavior to live cleaner by diligently washing our hands 4. Forcing educators to create to keep students learning.

“Covid forces us to change and adapt by using IT to keep learning running effectively, if we do not embrace IT then learning will not run in this pandemic period,” said Prof. Syawal.

Prof. Syawal also explained that many are affected because of Covid, one of which is where the learning process turns all into online and changes in the learning system is necessary creativity of an educator. Before talking about teacher creativity, Prof. Syawal argued that teachers should understand 4 things, namely 1. The current context of education is to build civilization-based welfare, therefore teachers must be able to explain about civilization because civilization is the integration of godhead, human mind, and technology, 2. Context and perspective of teacher professional development where teachers must understand the milestone of teacher professional development, 3. Current context of learning in schools, 4. The current context of graduate competence for all types, levels and pathways of Education.

With these 4 insights, teachers can start creativity. The former Head of the Agency for Human Resources Development Education & Culture and Quality Assurance education argues that Creativity can start from the level of acceptance that is an open heart, a sincere heart and a good attitude by accepting the current condition that teachers can obtain integrated knowledge after that can develop it so that it can use it meaningfully. “Therefore start by accepting and thinking well that we must accept this Covid and be friends with this Covid,” said Prof. Syawal.

Prof. Syawal said that after that the teacher made changes by mapping both the characteristics and potential of students, then the pattern of role mechanisms across schools such as the role of parents because the learning was moved home, then clear guidelines by the agency, monev and quality assurance.

“Learning that is moved to the house requires teachers to be good at choosing competencies that can be implemented online, because not all of them can be presented online, choose contextual materials, in addition teachers must be able to design the learning process during Covid, design an authentic assessment system and establish good cooperation with parents,” explained the Chairman of the Medan City Research Council.

Prof. Syawal also explained further that Education at home can run smoothly if it has clear guidelines, teachers should be able to share with parents to give parents an understanding of the basic concepts of learning, prepare manuals aimed at teachers, students and parents, Arrange specific RPP based on the three guidebooks, prepare video recordings in the form of simulation videos or examples played by teachers and parent exhibitions in the form of recordings of design events , learning, natural events and other events considered relevant last developed a systematic monev system, quality assurance and RTL.

“That way children can get the best education at home. This is the hidden agenda of children getting good at school and at home because in this pandemic we must be able to bring schools at home because in accordance with what Ki Hajar Dewantara says all places are schools and and schools there are all places that’s why we have to be able to bring schools at home in that way.,” he said.

Furthermore, in this pandemic there are 5 things that must be done by teacher 1. Teachers should be able to change their mindset by first changing their perspective on the teacher profession, 2. Strengthening the integration of value 3. Changing the paradigm curriculum based capacity 4. Integrate new content by reducing routine material and replacing it with HOTS 5 material. Innovation Assessment Process

“The point in this pandemic is we must change constantly to improve ourselves so that we can learn the New Indonesia teaching and learning model. Therefore hopefully as a result of this pandemic we can change and maybe indonesian children will also change, schools will also change because creativity is built so that our goal to prosper all Indonesian people so as to reduce poverty in Indonesia,” concluded Prof. Syawal.