
" The Character Building University "

Alliance Francaise and FBS Unimed Hold Storytelling “CONTEUR D’EAU”

Alliance Francaise (AF) in collaboration with the French Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Language and Art, Medan State University, held a French Language program in the future and a fairytale show “CONTEUR D’EAU” in the Hall of the Lt.IV Digilib Unimed (16/03). This activity was attended by French listening artist Adama ADEPOJU known as “TAXI CONTEUR”, Anne-Lise MERCIER as director of the Alliance Francaise Medan, lecturer in French language education study program, lecturers in FBS UNIMED environment, students of French language study programs, students of English language study programs  and English literature which take French courses this semester, French language subjects in high school / vocational school, as well as high school / vocational students.

The Counter D’EAU performance played by Adama ADEPOJU “TAXI CONTEUR” is designed based on a collection of stories of life, myths, legends and water-themed tales in 21 cities and villages in Burkina Faso, Cote d’lvoire, Cap Vert, Guinee, Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone. This show is also part of the research on the renewal of aesthetic values ​​carried out by Adama for almost the last 20 years. At the end of the fairy tale containing dedication to the fairy tales that are told are stories taken from traditional heritage that aim to tell the state of the earth’s water and protect our planet from the “Water War”.

Anne-Louise MERCIER as director of the Alliance Francaise Medan said that in the era of globalization it is very important to voice Francophone with its rich diversity and set foot in various parts of the world especially Indonesia. “As storytellers, cultural introductors and promoters of Franchophonie and French all over the world, we want to visit Indonesian people by holding shows and workshops that will tell” VOIX FRANCOPHONE EN INDONESIE “,” said Anne-Liese .

Taxi Conteur will perform in several cities in the world. In Indonesia, the Institut Français Indonesia (IFI) and the Alliance Française (AF) Indonesia host their performances in Medan, Yogyakarta, Jakarta and Bandung.