
" The Character Building University "

FIP Unimed Receives Visit of the Royal Malaysia Counseling Institute

The Counseling Guidance Study Program of the Unimed Faculty of Education welcomed the arrival of the Malaysian Counseling Institute team. This visit activity is a scientific visit to the counseling profession in the context of comparative studies. The Malaysian Counseling Institution was welcomed in the FIP Unimed Meeting Room (01/22/2019).

Dra. Zuraida lubis, M.Pd The Chairperson of the Counseling Guidance Program and the chief executive of the activity warmly welcomed the Malaysian Counseling Institute team. Dra. Zuraida expressed her gratitude to the Malaysian counseling institution for taking the time to visit Medan State University, hopefully with this visit, it can provide benefits to both parties.

Prof. Dr. Yusnadi as Deputy Dean of FIP opened the event. In line with the Head of BK Department, Prof. Yusnadi expressed his gratitude to the group of Malaysian shipping institutions, “Hopefully with this coming / visit in the future Unimed especially FIP Guidance and Counseling Study Program can establish cooperation between Unimed FIP counseling and Malaysian counseling in discussing (important) issues about contemporary counseling in order to produce graduates “that can compete in this Global era,” said Deputy Dean I of FIP.

Also present at this activity were Deputy Dean III Drs. Edidon Hutasuhut, M.Pd, as well as lecturers in Counseling Guidance.