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Unimed Students Create Art Paper from Coconut Coir

Medan – The team of researchers who are students of PKM (Student Creativity Program) from Medan State University (Unimed) analyze the benefits of coconut coir to create art paper. Art paper is used paper that is reused into paper worthy, for example as paper or paper handicraft.

Based on the scale of commercial industry in the world, paper production mostly uses wood, both wood from industrial forest and natural forest. So now the amount of wood in the forest is decreasing.

The more that wood uses to produce paper, the less the amount of wood in the forest that serves to hold water. It also caused drought, flooding in the rainy season and triggered global warming.

Therefore, the utilization of coconut husk and waste paper to produce environmentally friendly art paper and no negative impact on nature is very important. The main ingredient of making this art paper is coconut husk together with waste paper. It is also supported with PVAc adhesives and NaOH.

Coconut coir is one source of natural lignoselulosic fiber which is now extensively used in various applications. While used paper such as HVS is one source of secondary fiber for making art paper.

Based on the journal researchers stated, they are  Herman M. zendrato, Esi Pradina Perangin-angin, Jecky hill entitled “Influence of Raw Material Composition and Cooking Time to Tensile Strenght on Making Art Paper from Coconut Coir and Waste Paper” directives by lecturers from Unimed, Dr. Ir. Nurfazriani. M.Si.

Researchers do this to gain experience and work to overcome social problems in the scope of society, especially improving the economy by utilizing coconut coir waste and paper waste is processed into art paper. It also reduces paper production made from wood pulp. Thus the problem of environmental destruction due to deforestation can be overcome and improve the image of the paper industry. (Unimed Public Relations)