
" The Character Building University "

Visitation Prodi Pend. Accounting And D3 Mechanical Engineering Maintaining “A” And Prodi English Literature Confidently “A”

Medan (Unimed) – Almost the majority of Unimed study programs in 2016 is preoccupied with the preparation and implementation of the visitation for accreditation from BAN-PT. Accreditation activities are a five-year routine for a study program and institution in every public and private university. The accreditation implementer is an assessor who is sent by the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education (BAN-PT) which is an independent institution in charge of carrying out accreditation of all study programs and institution of a campus. Accreditation for a campus is a form of recognition of the quality of management, infrastructure, curriculum, human resources, scientific publications, cooperation and student achievement. Even the various employment agencies in the admissions process has required the applicant’s morning must come from accredited colleges A and B. This explains that the value of accreditation has become a reference of a quality campus and not.

In the third week of June 2016, three study programs that have improved the quality are visited by assessors, namely: 1) FE Accounting Education Program conducted on 13-14 June 2016, Chairman Prodi Dra. Effi Aswita Lubis, M.Pd, with Professor Asesor. Dr. Sutrisno, SE, Ak, M.Si, from Univ. Brawijaya and Dr. H. Cipto Wardoyo, SE, M.Pd, M.Si, Ak. CA. from Univ. Negeri Malang. 2) Prodi English Literature FBS conducted on 16-18 June 2016, Chairman Prodi Syamsul Bahri, S.S. M. Hum, with Prof. asesor. Dr. H. Mohammad Adnan Latief, M.A, from Univ. State of Malang, and Prof. Drs. Burhanuddin Arafah, M.Hum, Ph.D, from Univ. Hasanuddin Makassar. 3) Mechanical Engineering D3 with assessors Ir. Purnomo, Ph.D., and Suharyandi Pancono, M.T.

The accreditation process of the Study Program that has been passed and will be carried out by the BAN-PT assessor team conducts assessment on the form and self evaluation of Prodi. In addition, also check all relevant documents, conduct direct interviews to lecturers, students, stakeholders and graduates.

Akreditasi Pendidikan Akuntansi

The process of accreditation of both Prodi has been through several stages, including the formation of taskforce team, composition and self-evaluation, delivery of forms and self-evaluation to BAN-PT Jakarta, and direct visitation by BAN-PT assessor team. The implementation of this visitation was initiated by the opening of BAN-PT assessor team in front of the faculty leader and functional department / department ie the department chief, the department secretary, the department chairman and all the lecturers. Furthermore, the dean of the faculty accompanied by the vice dean explained the borang and self-evaluation of the faculty and continued the exposure of the head of department / study program and the self evaluation that has been sent to BAN-PT. The assessors also conducted direct interviews with lecturers, graduate users, alumni and students.

The second dean of the faculty is the Dean of Prof. FE. Indra Maipita, M.Si, Ph.D, and the Dean of FBS Isda Pramuniati, M. Hum. Prof. Indra Maipita argues, I believe Prodi Accounting Education will be able to maintain the value of accreditation “A”. From the contents of the form and self-evaluation, as well as the completeness of the existing documents, the optimism to maintain that value can be achieved. Optimism is certainly very basic because of all the indicators we have met well. The qualifications of the lecturers are very good, the results of the research and the dedication of the lecturers community are also good, the students’ achievements and activities are superior, our graduates are absorbed in various employment, as well as other achievements. So we are very optimistic will achieve maximum value. This value is very we hope to continue mamajukan Prodi in the process of winning various national grants and achievement that boast civitas, Prof. said. Indra.

Syamsul Bahri, S.S, M.Hum, as Chairman of English Department Prodi said, it is extraordinary tired to prepare all the required documents, let alone we are fasting. But with the cooperation and compactness of the taskforce team all the needs we have prepared well. We would like to thank all the teams involved who have been very helpful in conducting the visitation of English Literature and Accounting Study Program. We are all very optimistic team taskforce will achieve maximum value, because all indicators have been met with the maximum. Hopefully hope to achieve maximum value we will achieve with the release of accreditation certificate from BAN-PT later. (Unimed Public Relations).