
" The Character Building University "

Unimed Utus 40 Lecturers For Internships At Best Campus Indonesia


MEDAN (Unimed) – State University of Medan again sent 40 lecturers from all faculties to conduct internships at the best campus of Indonesia. These lecturers will intern for ± 2 months ie October and November 2017 at the campus destination. Officially Rector Unimed Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd, accompanied by vice chancellors to release the apprenticeship lecturer held on Wednesday, October 4, 2017 in the room siding A bureau of the rector. All 40 lecturers are present in the release.

Thirty-seven lecturers who will follow the internship are: Destination Apprenticeship to University of Indonesia (UI); Frinawaty F. Barus, M.Pd, (Lecturer of Letters, Language and Literature of Indonesia), Rita Suswati, M.Pd, (English Lecturer), Said Iskandar, S.Pd. M.Si, (Lecturer of Mathematics), Dr. Juniastel Rajagukguk, M.Si, (Lecturer of Physics), Wayang Wayang Wisnu Brata, M.Si, (Lecturer of Biology), Budi Halomoan Siregar, M.Pd, (Lecturer of Mathematics). Purpose to UNY Yogyakarta; Sani Susanti, S.Pd. M.Pd, (Lecturer of PLS), Kinanti Wijaya, M.Sc, (Lecturer of Building Engineering), Dr. Ashan Pasaribu, ST, M.Pd, (Electrical Engineering Lecturer), Mey Alsih, M.Pd, (Lecturer of Makeup), M. Faisal Ansari Nasution, M.Pd, (Lecturer of Sport Coaching). Goal to UGM Yogyakarta; Diah Eka Sari, S.Pd. M.Pd. (Lecturer of Literature and Literature of Indonesia), and Lili Wardani Harahap, SE, M.Si. Ak (Lecturer of Accounting). Goal to ITB Bandung; Marwan Affandi, ST, MT, (Lecturer of Electrical Engineering), Denny Haris, M.Si, (Lecturer of Mathematics), Aida Fitriani Sitompul, M.Si, (Lecturer of Biology). Maraty P. Simanjuntak, M.Si, (Lecturer of Physics), and Teguh Febri Sudarma, M.Pd, (Lecturer of Physics Lecturer). Goal UM Malang; Asiah, S.Pd. M.Pd, (Counseling Guidance Lecturer), Apiek Gandama, S.Pd. M.Pd, (PGSD lecturer), M. Bukhari Dalimunthe, M.Si, (Lecturer of Economics), Charles F. Ambarita, S.Pd. M.Si, (Lecturer of Economics). Purpose UPI Bandung; Peny Husna Handayani, S.Pd. M.Pd, (Lecturer of PG PAUD), Amirhud Dalimunthe, ST, M. Kom, (Lecturer of ICT), and Dra. Lely Fridawaty, M.Pd, (Pend Pend Pendga). The Purpose of Unpad Bandung; Wahyu Wiji Astuti, MA, (Lecturer of Indonesian Literature), Sisila Fitriany Damanik, M.Hum, (Lecturer of English Literature). The purpose of ISI Yogyakarta; Adek erah Kurnia, M.Pd, (Lecturer of Fine Arts), Herna Hirza, M.Sn, (Lecturer of Music), Drs. Inggrit Prastiawan, M.Sn, (Dance Lecturer), Dra. Juliarti, M.Si, (Lecturer Pend Tata Tata Dress). The goal of ITS Surabaya; Ir. Riski Elpari Siregar, M.T, (Lecturer of Mechanical Engineering), Suahairani, ST, MT, (Lecturer of Civil Engineering), Ayahreza Alvan, ST, MT, (Lecturer of Civil Engineering). Bogor Bogor Agricultural University; Mawaddah Sari Waruwu, M.Kes, (Lecturer of Nutrition),

Rector Unimed Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd, in his direction said, Unimed lecturer apprenticeship activity to the best campus in Indonesia is actually a fixed program which since 2009 we continue to carry out, as an effort in realizing Unimed Campus forward and competitive. Every year we send Unimed lecturers to apprentices and hopefully all young lecturers of Unimed continue to improve and develop self-competence and skill in teaching so that will be able to correlate in producing qualified graduates. Programs like this will continue with some improvements to the effectiveness of the process so that it meets the expectations we want to achieve. One of the objectives of this activity is to improve the quality and competence of lecturers’ human resources. As well as the results of our lecturer apprenticeship this generates a lot of information for the improvement of our beloved Unimed campus to continue to excel and advance.

Go Prof. Shawwal, the result of the apprenticeship can later support the standards of Unimed graduates to be global. Unimed lecturers can lecture and conduct research together with lecturers at the best universities of Indonesia. It will also improve the quality of lecturers in producing papers that can be published in internationally reputable journals. I also hope that in each faculty the lecturers who have internships can be given time to reappear before the lecturers in order to inspire all Unimed lecturers in order to continue to do and do their best to be more productive and innovative in teaching and research offerings.

Said Iskandar, S.Pd. M.Si, as one of the lecturers who will apprentice to UI Jakarta feel proud to be given the opportunity to apprentice on UI campus. I will take advantage of this good opportunity to gain knowledge and skills during my apprenticeship later on. We certainly hope that our apprentices lecturers will be able to benefit Unimed’s progress to become the best campus in Indonesia, Amin. (Unimed Public Relations).