
" The Character Building University "

Responding to Technology Development, Unimed Update E-Learning System

MEDAN – Medan State University renewed the online learning system that has been owned so far. The old system, SIPOEL (System Portal Electronic Learning) will be replaced with SIPDA (Online Learning System). As is known, the use of online learning media or e-learning has been used in Unimed since 2007.

According to the Unimed Rector, Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd, the renewal of the e-learning system is adapted to the latest technological developments. An application that is based on opensource and supports mobile devices. The use of elearning also aims to accelerate the learning process.

“Our learning will be transferred in part to blended learning (integrating e-learning and face-to-face). Our problems so far, our use of e-learning is still not optimal, “said Prof. Syawal Gultom during the SIPDA Application Utilization Socialization on Friday (12/21/2018), at the Digital Library Unimed.

Prof. Syawal also advised lecturers who had not maximally implemented e-learning to be more active. “The past lecturer only explained what was in the book. Today’s lecturers must describe the work of future people. So, if we want our graduates to be competent to use the latest learning. Our learning in the classroom must also use the latest technology. Therefore, there is no real reason for not using this e-learning, “he said.

Meanwhile, Head of the Development of SIPDA Unimed, Dr. Hermawan Saputra, M.Sc, revealed the reason for choosing an opensource-based application on SIPDA. “We choose LMS (Learning Management System) based on opensource CMS. The consideration is because the platform is easier and cheaper. We do not charge any more for the license. Besides that, the vitur provided is also very complete, “he said.

Hermawan mentioned, the Unimed online learning application can be accessed through the page. He also reminded lecturers and students to update data in the SIPDA application. It is expected that the use of the application will be effectively used starting in even semester 2018.