
" The Character Building University "

Anticipating Covid-19, UNIMED Apply Online Learning

Some universities in Medan began to eliminate face-to-face lectures on campus, this is to anticipate the spread of the corona virus (Covid-19). Unimed has issued a Rector circular containing important points as a concrete preventive measure internally.

Unimed Rector, Dr. Syamsul Goltum has issued a circular to all members of the community and staff, Monday (3/16). The circular, containing a number of provisions, was among others the transfer of teaching and learning activities to an online system and assignments.

The policy, avoiding physical contact between people on campus from March 17 to April 3, 2020. “This does not mean that we have dismissed teaching and learning, but we have shifted it to an online system or structured assignment from lecturers,” he said.

In addition to temporarily replacing the lecture system from face to face to online, Unimed also postponed all activities of lecturers and students going abroad and other regions. The Unimed chancellor said this step as a precaution to prevent the spread of corona virus in Unimed. “Lectures at Unimed were transferred in the form of E-Learning, Vi-Learning, Mailing Lists, WA Groups, Line, Skype or the like,” he said.

Practicum (laboratory, workshop, studio, studio, microteaching) will be carried out by giving other relevant tasks in accordance with the achievements of the lecture. Field lectures (KKN, PKL, PPL, Internships, Student / lecturer lectures) are temporarily compensated in the form of other activities.

Then UTS and UAS are carried out online. Proposal exams, final assignment exams, thesis exams, theses and dissertations, comprehensive exams, are still held but only attended by students who are tested and testers who have met the WHO protocol or conducted online.

The Rector said this decision was taken as a form of preventing the spread of viru corona in the Unimed environment. “We hope this step will bring the common good to the entire Unimed academic community, and hopefully no Unimed residents will be infected by the Corona virus later,” he said.

He said, lectures in the form of online or e-learning and postponing activities that gather a lot of masses on campus, are active steps for prevention. Furthermore, said the chancellor, in this change, his party has prepared the readiness of all facilitation lecturers so that lectures in the online form can run effectively and will not reduce the effectiveness of the lecture process, and this process remains in accordance with the achievements of lectures in each subject.

“We make this decision after a leadership meeting attended by all leaders, namely the Vice Rector, the Dean, the Postgraduate Director, and the Chair of the Institute. Based on our consideration and study, there are 11 points that we have decided to be a strategic step in preventing Corona-19 virus in Unimed. This decision is taken as a wise and prudent step in responding to various circular letters of the Indonesian Minister of Health, the Minister of Education and Culture, and WHO Health Protocol as internal prevention measures at Unimed, “concluded Dr. Syamsul Gultom.