
" The Character Building University "

UNIMED – USM Art Research Collaboration

Medan – The song entitled “Sik Sik Sibatumanikam” echoed from the Music Art Laboratory, FBS Unimed, on Wednesday (4/7). The voice was sung by art students  FBS Unimed students  of University of Science Malaysia (USM). They performed the North Sumatera song in chorus format.

Students of music art from both campuses are currently holding a collaboration workshop, which is to perform together in one stage of music. The goal is to train collaboration and share information about art research especially in music.

In addition to collaborations in the vocal group, the students are also collaborating in playing music such as piano, guitar, and others. Art lecturers from both campuses also presented various research results of each.

“They (students of both campuses) collaborate without training together beforehand. They are only trained personally and given a picture of the music to be sung. They then perform together. So this is actually to train in collaboration, “said Mukhlis, M.S., lecturer of Unimed Music Art Education.

Dean of FBS, Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum hopes the collaboration between the two campuses is not only at the event. She also hopes that students of Unimed Music Arts Education will also make a visit to USM. “The more we travel a lot, the more we see the world. Then the more lessons we will take. Then we will visit reply, “said Dr. Isda.

“This is also as an elaboration of the existence of music art programs. This year the music study program is one of the biggest study program this year, “he concluded.

Similarly, Dean of USM School of Art, Dr. US. Hardy Shafii, also welcomed the collaboration workshop and hoped the cooperation could continue. “We hope this counseling continues. We share experiences, ideas. Because if you save yourself does not increase our knowledge. With our collaboration also become humble because we know our shortcomings. I hope this meeting will produce something useful, “said Dr. Shafii. (Unimed Public Relations).