
" The Character Building University "

Thousands of Participants Enliven the NEC VII held by HMJ English FBS

MEDAN (Unimed) – National English Competition VII held by the English Language Education and Literature Department of FBS Unimed on 1-3 March 2018, held at Multifunction Building Unimed. The theme of the event is “Be Brave and Spread Out the Knowledge”. The participants in the event is as many as 1000 participants consisting of PTS / PTN University and SMA / SMK from various regions in Sumatra, Java, and Sulawesi. The types of competitions are Essay, Singing Competition, Speech Contest, Poetry Reading, Olympiad, G-CRESBO, Scrabble, Debate and Story Telling. This event is also competing for Cash +  Certificate + Trophy.

In her speech, Head of English Language and Literature Department Prof. Dr. Sumarsih, M.Pd., conveyed “The purpose of this event is to develop the interest and talents of students and all the learners of English, in addition we also hope will be many born students who interested in English in addition to additional skills and competition students at school “

The opening of the event which was attended by thousands of participants took place lively. Also present Vice Rector I Prof. Dr. Abdul Hamid K., M.Pd., Vice Rector II Dr. Restu, M.S., Vice Rector IV Prof. Drs. Manihar Situmorang, M.Sc.Ph.D., WD I FBS Wahyu Tri Atmojo, M.Hum., WD III FBS.  Dr. Marice, M. Hum, along with all Unimed English lecturers.

Vice Rector IV opened the National English Competition VII in 2018. The participants consisted of students, high school / SMK students in North Sumatera, Aceh, Riau, Padang, Bengkulu, some schools from Java and Manado.

Vice Rector IV Prof. Drs. Manihar Situmorang, M.Sc.Ph.D., in his direction congratulate on the implementation of this national competition which certainly has positive values ​​and starategis in instilling the values ​​of the character of the young generation. Through this competition can certainly stimulate young generation in using English to develop skills, talents and opportunities in language. Of course we know English is one of the international languages.

The implementation of the National Competition VII is a place for students to develop the potential in themselves. Event like this should continue to grow to provide more space for students, or lecturers with teachers at school in synergizing learning English for progress together. I would like to thank the organizers of the Department of Language and English Literature of the Faculty of Languages and Arts of the State University of Medan.

This competition VII event is competed in the field of Olympic arts, poetry, and journalism. Nowadays it is desperately needed these competencies as an effort and strengthening in character building for Indonesian students and to educate them to live independently in life to achieve success according to what aspired. Hopefully will be born golden scientific generation who always try to be more creative so that will contribute in the development of Indonesian society to the generation of Indonesia gold. This activity is also expected to synergize the learning of English in school and campus, so it can continue to develop more effective and innovative learning pattern. (Unimed Public Relations).