
" The Character Building University "

LPM Unimed: Medan Street Children Must Awaken


MEDAN (Unimed) – Unimed as a Higher Education Institution in North Sumatra does not want to be in an ivory tower with programs that only touch high education. Through LPM Unimed poverty eradication program is done as a form of social awareness in an effort to improve the welfare of the community, especially for street children and poor families in the city of Medan.

Activities held on Friday (8/9) at PKPA Creativity Children’s Studio in Pinang Baris Sub-district of Medan City. There were 50 street children from Medan who were trained by LPM Unimed Team. Also attending the event was the chairman of LPM Unimed Dr. Kustoro Budiarta, ME was accompanied by the Coordinator of Development of Service Program Yusnizar Heniwati, S.ST, M.Hum, Ph.D., staff of Rita Purnamasari, M.Pd and Chairman of the Program Dr. Dede Ruslan, M.Si

On the occasion, the Chairman of LPM Unimed Kustoro Budiarta stated, through the guidance and assistance of the poor family’s production which is done continuously, it is expected that the economic burden that has been the problem will decrease slowly but surely efforts to eradicate poverty will be realized. “This is in accordance with the Vision and Unimed Mission to become an excellent university in the field of industrial and educational engineering, through Community service “.

The same thing was also conveyed by the chief executive. Dede Ruslan, M.Si, this skill improvement is done as an effort to encourage the productive economy of the family so it is expected that the production of street children can be sold and the proceeds of the sale can be used to improve the family economy. The root of the problem of poverty is the lack of economic ability of the family, therefore in this dedication activity also carried out production assistance for parents, especially mothers of street children we have coached to improve the living standard and the family economy, said Dede Ruslan.

In this dedication activity, LPM Unimed Team conducts guidance through the accompaniment of skill to make handicraft product from acrylic material. The results of activities in the form of various products such as various key chains, pencil box, tissue box and various flowers.

Through the skills possessed by the results of the assistance, it is expected that street children are able to produce and the products can be sold. The profits from the sale of skill products can be used to increase the allowance, buy the necessities of life and school equipment, thus reducing the economic burden of the family.

In addition to guidance to street children the parents of street children are also given assistance about the formation of children’s character in the family, as well as training the production of various chips and onion cakes. And do not miss the provision of product packaging skills. Not only the training is carried out but also the production needs are also given by the team of LPM Unimed, the appropriate technology that is given, among others are: chopper and banana chopper, Impulse sealer for packaging and mixing mixer. It is expected that through this assistance the products are sold and can compete in the market. (Unimed Public Relations).