
" The Character Building University "

LPM UNIMED Encourage Micro Asahan Enterprises to Break the Modern Market


ASAHAN – LPM Unimed performs service to the community through providing production assistance in the form of product innovation, business management and packaging. The activity was carried out in Sukadamai Village, Pulo Bandring District, Asahan Regency held on Sunday (17/9) which was conducted directly by LPM Unimed Team. One of the micro-enterprises that was built is the opak business owned by Mr. Muhamad Bakri.

The existence of micro business is very important especially in supporting the national economy. The strategic role of the miko business is undoubtedly primarily the ability of the micro enterprise to maintain its business despite the economic crisis. It has been proven several times in the past economic crisis that some micro businesses do not go out of business. Micro-businesses, especially those that produce superior products, can survive and still exist

Opak production business “Bakri” experienced obstacles in its business, especially the decreasing of sales turnover. This is due to the increasing number of similar businesses in the area as well as the low capacity in managing the products, delivered on the sidelines of assistance, “our opak business has been running for decades, but lately turnover has declined due to the number of rivals. Even the emergence of supermarkets, supermarkets and mini markets to make our subscriptions began to switch to their products. Therefore we are very pleased to be accompanied by LPM Unimed in improving business management. especially taught to produce yam emping with the packaging as it is in stores “said the entrepreneur of UMKM

In this service activity, LPM Unimed provides production assistance in the form of diversification of processed products opak yam. Opak which is usually made traditionally by mold and large size, by team of LPM Unimed which is chaired by Dr. Eko Wahyu Nugrahadi, M. Si in set-up to emping yam with small size and print it using machine. In addition, also accompanied in the form of design design packaging by making product labels and packaging using impulse sealer.

Through this assistance activities are expected to appear sweet potato products that can compete in the market and sales can be deposited in modern markets around the City of Range. “Deliberately done product innovation in the form of emping sweet potato. the raw material remains the same for opaque production.

But the process we give a touch of appropriate technology so that the results are more interesting, hygenis, labeled or brand products and packaged like a factory product. Thus the product is expected to compete in the market and already meet the standards to be marketed through supermarkets and supermarkets. Stay equipped standardization of products from BPOM and permissible halal from MUI “, said Dr. Kustoro Budiarta.

On the occasion of the monev, Kustoro as the chairman of LPM Unimed handed the tool for the production of sweet potato chips in the form of sweet potatoes, yam emping machine and impulse sealer machine for packaging.

When asked about the sustainability of the program, Kustoro said, the program of assistance to micro-enterprises will continue to be done on a scheduled and continuous basis. LPM Unimed has conducted a study program of cooperation with MUI North Sumatra and BPOM. therefore it is endeavored that future facilitation is mainly to certify and standardize the products in the form of permissible permis from MUI and standardization from BPOM. (Unimed Public Relations).