
" The Character Building University "

LPM Unimed Cooperate with Risbang Kemenristek Dikti and Commission VII, Dissemination of Learning Technology in West Sumatra


SIJUNJUNG – Institute of Community Service (LPM) State University of Medan intensively conduct educational quality improvement activities not only in North Sumatra but to other provinces. In the dissemination activities, LPM Unimed collaborates with Directorate of Research and Development Strengthening Research Ministry of Higher Education and Commission VII DPRRI. The activities carried out in the Hall SDN 14 Tanjung Gadang Sijunjung Regency, which was held from 5 to 7 October 2017 which was attended by 50 participants consisting of teachers and principals.

Also attending the event were the Head of Education Office of Sijunjung Regency, which was represented by the Chief Supervisor of Mahiddin District, S.Pd, Head of KUPT of Awalidin Education Office, A.Ma.Pd, Head of Research and Development Coordinator LPM Unimed. Diky Setya Diningrat, M.Si, Head of Program Irfandi, M.Si Headmaster and teachers in Sijunjung district.

On the occasion, the head of the Irfandi Program revealed that this training is the implementation of the cooperation between LPM Unimed with Risbang Ministry of Research and Technology Ministry and Commission VII DPR-RI in charge of research and technology. He took Sijunjung as the location due to the readiness of the Education Office to develop the program in a sustainable manner. Dissemination of technology in the learning media carried out not only charged theoretical but has been referring to applied research in a simple. “In addition in this activity the material is focused on the utilization of existing materials around with local wisdom-based. This training is expected to generate the creativity and understanding of the concept of the subject matter so that the teacher can do realistic learning and easy to understand the students “, he said.

At this time, the school has at least four types of learning resources that are very rich and useful for students, namely: (1) rural community or urban community around the city, (2) physical environment outside school, (3) residual goods or used goods , and (4) natural events and events that occur in society. One of the four types of learning resources mentioned above, ie waste materials or scrap materials can be made into IPA aids. “There are quite a lot of available objects (solid, liquid and gas) contained in our surrounding area which can be organized by teachers for the purposes of IPA aids, depending on how the willingness and ability of teachers can develop and utilize it”, explained the professor of Physics proficiency

Head of Education Office of Sijunjung Regency represented by Head of Supervisory of Mahiddin Regency, S.Pd accompanied by Head of KUPT Awalidin Education Office, A.Ma.Pd express appreciation on implementation of dissemination of technology activity on learning media. Due to the many trainings, workshops and accompaniment that teachers have attended in Sijunjung, most are still limited to theories with less measurable output, whereas in these activities theory and practice are aligned so that outputs are measured in improving the quality of education. “In addition, there is no enthusiasm from teachers and schools to participate in these activities because the pattern of technoly dissemination activities on new learning was first held in Sijunjung District,” said Mahidin.

Separately Members of Commission VII DPR-RI dapil Sijunjung H. Endre Saifoel or known Haji Wen revealed Supporting education programs implemented in Sijunjung district, in addition to the district where he was born this program is enough to provide solutions from the problems of teachers in schools that are still many schools that do not optimize props with dissemination program of learning media technology can further optimize the concept of learning so that this will be directly proportional to the improvement of education quality in nagari “lansek manih”, said the figure of education Sijunjung

Responding to that Chairman of LPM unimed Dr. Kustoro Budiarta, ME accompanied by Coordinator and expert staff of LPM Unimed such as Deo D Panggabean, M.Pd, Faisal M.Pd, Hodriani, M.Pd, revealed that this activity is a collaborative activity that has long been built by LPM Unimed with various agencies in it improves the quality of education. LPM Unimed currently not only moves in North Sumatra alone but has already invaded into several provinces. Basically Unimed lecturers are ready to serve wherever will devote their knowledge to the principle of “Hard Work, Work Smart, Work Ikhlas and Work Done”.

“Especially in the current activity, LPM Unimed down lecturer Unimed lecturers who have experience in terms of service To the community at the local and national level. With national speakers hope, the tutors are able to encourage the creativity of teachers so that they can use and develop their own props IPA, this is also in accordance with Unimed vision and mission which is always echoed by the Rector, Unimed to be solusion for