
" The Character Building University "

UNIMED Lecturer Invented Anti Covid-19 Hand Washing Machine

Some Unimed lecturers assisted by students and staff of the FT Unimed Metal Machining and Fabrication Laboratory succeeded in creating a corona anti-virus hand washing machine. This creative idea is motivated by the concern of the public who are afraid of contracting the corona virus when washing hands is facilitated by the public because it can be when we wash our hands as an effort to avoid the virus, instead it is contracted because we do not know anyone who has contracted the virus.

In order to participate in preventing Covid 19 transmission, we from the FT Unimed Lab / Metal Fabrication and Machining Workshop produce hand washing machines without the touch of a hand, where the machine user does not need to touch the water tap and press the soap bottle by hand, but rather with a foot pedal on the foot feet, because users must use footwear, so make sure they do not transmit the virus from the touch of the available hand washing tools. The tools used to produce this hand washer are welding machines, cutting grinding machines, plate cutting machines, drilling and painting machines.

Unimed Rector Dr. Syamsul Gultom, M. Kes, when confirmed was very supportive and gave appreciation to the creative ideas of lecturers who had produced hand washing machines and soap without touching tools and were free of contracting covid-19. We strongly encourage all members of the community to participate in society and the country by utilizing all laboratory facilities on campus to produce a variety of co-19 distribution breaker devices. The idea of ​​our lecturer, Mr. Bisrul and friends, is very creative and good. For marketing we must also try to be as economical as possible so that we can help the general public in need. We are also the leadership of encouraging lecturers and students to empower our laboratories to produce innovative work that is directed to participate in breaking the chain of distribution of covid-19.

Prof. Dr. Harun Sitompul, the dean of FT also expressed his gratitude for the creative ideas that have been produced by our lecturers, students and laboratory / workshop staff. Hopefully this will be beneficial for us, institutions and the general public. We at FT have very many laboratories, and we continue to encourage lecturers and students to produce the tools that are needed by the community in deciding the distribution of covid-19. Hopefully there will be some more of our creativity that is of good use to the community, especially being able to contribute during this co-19 pandemic.

Ir. Bisrul Hapis Tambunan, MT, as a lecturer and Head of Lab / workshop of FT Unimed said, this creative idea also originated from the unrest of the public to see ordinary hand-washing tools which, according to him, were not safe to use during the Covid 19 pandemic, because in ordinary hand-washing equipment users have to turn the tap and press the soap bottle by hand, so that it is feared to be a medium for transferring viruses among users. This idea was then made into a design and discussed with the Laboratory team / Workshop technician, and assisted by students, then produced with independent funds as the first stage as promotional material still in production of 2 units, then it will be marketed with an order system for interested communities.

Bisrul continued, we also dedicate this marketing step to support Unimed income generation that has been BLU. Regarding the very economical ordering price, around 2 million for hand washing tools without drums with water, while the tools that use drums are around 2.5 million.