
" The Character Building University "

FMIPA UNIMED Receives a Visit from the Director of IVHHN from the UK

MEDAN – The Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Unimed Dr. Fauziyah Harahap, M.Sc., welcomed the arrival of the Director of the International Volcanic Health Hazard Network (IVHHN) Prof. Claire Judith Horwell in the Meeting Room of the Dean of FMIPA UNIMED, Wednesday (19/02). Prof. Claire is a Professor in Geohealth from Durham University, London, England.

Dean of FIS Unimed Dra. Nurmala Berutu, M.Pd. Vice Dean I of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Prof. Dr. Herbert Sipahutar, M.S., M.Sc., Deputy Dean III of FMIPA Drs. Mhd Yusuf Nasution, M.Sc., Vice Dean III of FIS Dr. Erond Litno Damanik, M.Sc. along with the lecturer also welcomed Prof. Claire.

The Dean of FMIPA Dr. Fauziyah Harahap, M.Sc. very pleased with the arrival of Prof. Claire to UNIMED. “I hope from the arrival of Prof. Claire Horwell, there are things we can follow up on, which is to be able to establish cross-university or cross-country cooperation with lecturers and students at UNIMED especially in conducting research not only in Biochemistry but also in various other fields of science so that we can improve the quality of campus professionalism ” He said.

Prof. Claire Horwell stated “during this program Horwell jointly developed a training-trainer course with the International Society for Respiratory Protection to teach people in Indonesia how to better protect themselves from volcanic ash volcanic eruptions”.

Prof. Claire introduces masks from the results of her research with the Institute of Occupational Medicine, emphasizing that N95 industry-certified masks are most effective at protecting people from breathing in volcanic ash, and that more commonly used surgical masks offer less protection. He created the Health Intervention project in the Volcano Eruption (HIVE) to collect evidence about respiratory protection for the community.