
" The Character Building University "

ICoSTA 2020: Presenting Science and Technology Innovation in the Era of Ri 4.0

Unimed Graduate Program held the International Conference on Science and Technology Application 2020 (ICoSTA) with the theme “Disruptive Trends of Science and Technology in IR 4.0 Era” virtually conference with Zoom application on Tuesday (03/11).

Present at the opening ceremony of The International Conference On Science and Technology Applications 2020 was Rector Dr. Syamsul Gultom, SKM. M.Kes. Vice Rector in Unimed, Director of PPs Prof. Dr. Bornok Sinaga, M.Pd., Vice Director I and Vice Director II PPs, as well as the Head of Department in The Post Graduate Unimed.

IC0STA presented 4 speakers namely Prof. Dr. Jakrapong Kaewkhao (Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University – Thailand), Siriprapa Kaewjaeng, Ph.D (Faculty of Associated Medical Science, Chiang Mai University – Thailand), Prof. Ts Dr Hjh. Anitawati Mohd Lokman (Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Science, Mara University of Technology – Malaysia), Dr. Ir. Hendro Tjahjono, DEA (National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia).

Presenters come from various Government and Private Universities, Institutions, Academies, and Schools. Some of them are researchers of the National Atomic Energy Agency (BATAN), Malaysia, Iraq, Unsyiah, UNP, USU, University of Indonesia Jakarta, IPB-Bogor, Bandung Institute of Technology, Malang State University, Brawijaya University, UPI, BMKG, Abdurrab. University, ITS Surabaya, USU Medan, UGM Yogyakarta, Ministry of Communication and Informatics– Republic of Indonesia, Tekmira Research Center, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of Indonesia, who have sat and will take oral defense exams. In addition, there are 47 institutions from home and abroad that are interested and involved in this conference.

Rector Dr. Syamsul Gultom, SKM. M.Kes. said at the opening of the event, “Through this esteemed scientific forum, teach all of us all Unimed academic community to continue to strive and work together, synergize in improving the production of scientific work in line with current themes and publish it to reputable national and international journals”.

Rector continued, “The change of the world is now entering the era of industrial revolution 4.0 or the fourth world industrial revolution where information technology has become the basis in human life. Everything becomes borderless with unlimited use of computing and data power, because it is influenced by the massive development of the internet and digital technology as the backbone of human and machine movement and connectivity. This era will also disrupt various human activities, including the fields of science and technology (IPTEK) and higher education”.

A total of 160 papers were partially presented orally in parallel sessions, and some were presented through posters. The articles will be reviewed and published by the Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS) indexed by Scopus.