
" The Character Building University "

The 5th AISTEEL : Educational Innovation in the Globalization Era

The 5th Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL) is an annual seminar held by the UNIMED Postgraduate Program. The International Seminar with the theme “Education Innovation in Globalization Practice” was held online through Zoom and Live Youtube application, Tuesday (22/09).

This year The 5th AISTEEL presented speakers Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd (State University of Medan – Indonesia) as keynote speaker, Prof. Emmanuel Manalo (Kyoto University – Japan), Dr. Susan Ledger (Head of Education, Murdoch University- Australia) Prof. Dr. Ekkarin Sungtong (Songkla University – Thailand) and Assoc. Prof. Yuri Uesaka (University of Tokyo -Japan).

Rector of Medan State University Dr. Syamsul Gultom, SKM., M.Kes., greatly appreciated this seminar, “In this pandemic period is not a barrier to continue to perform and pursue achievements. Through this International Seminar, I also hope that there will be a way through keynote speech, Unimed lecturers and all participants can collaborate with the international world through join research and join in doing community service.

Prof. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., as keynote Speakers said in his presentation on educational innovation, “We must be consistent in implementing good education by evaluating innovative curriculum, with educational innovations can change the way of learning and create new skills so as to achieve better educational goals so as to produce the best graduates”.

Prof. Emmanuel Manalo, as the resource person said, “The importance of creating a space in the curriculum to develop students’ thinking abilities, namely the first is the extent to which students can think and process what they learn and secondly the extent to which students have the independence or freedom to make decisions about their learning and thirdly the extent to which students feel they can engage in free reflection or “learn for their own benefit”, rather than just thinking about what they need to do or learn for the necessary assignments, tests, and other course output”

The 5th AISTEEL International Seminar was attended by hundreds of participants consisting of Students, Practitioners from both public and private institutions from various regions and this Seminar was also attended by Vice Rectors I, II, III, IV, Director of PPs, Deans, Vice Directors of PPs, heads of institutions, lecturers and education practitioners in NORTH SUMATRA.