
" The Character Building University "

Represent Indonesia, French Lecturer Unimed Won the International French Language Teaching Contest

FBS Unimed French Lecturer Dr. Andi Wete Polili, M. Hum. participated in the worldwide French language teacher competition “Jeu concours de Francophonia, Je suis parce que Nous sommes” held by Campus Francophonia France in the city of Nice, in southern France. The winner of the competition is awarded a virtually international summer pedagogical training from late July to early August and a gift from Campus Francophonia sent directly from France to the address of each winner in his country. This activity is very good in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic that brings together all the winners of the race around the world in one ZOOM virtual training.

This training teaches about the latest French language teaching and cultural exchange and cooperation in the field of teaching French, of course each country explains about the country and its culture. This training activity is a little tiring because every day ends until 1 am WIB, because it is adjusted to The French time. During the Pandemic, of course, as a lecturer must continue to be creative and continue to learn updates about the latest adapted to the New Normal period. A total of 30 participants from all over the world participated in this activity. Andi Wete Polili who is a French lecturer became the only representative from Indonesia.

Dean of FBS Dr. Abdurahman Adisaputera, M.Hum. congratulated Dr. Andi Wete Polili, M. Hum. representing the campus in international competitions. This is a pride for us FBS, where the lecturers are able to compete both at the national and international levels. In addition, we also hope that other lecturers will also continue to be proactive, creative and continue to learn updates about the latest learning so that it can be applied in Unimed.

Rector of Unimed Dr. Syamsul Gultom, SKM., M.Kes. also congratulated and succeeded on the achievements achieved by Dr. Andi Wetepolili Lecturer of French Language Education FBS. Hopefully this achievement can be a trigger for other Unimed lecturers to continue to improve their achievements and continue to work.