
" The Character Building University "

Strengthen Quality, Universiti Islam Antarbangsa Selangor MoU with Unimed

College of Universiti Islam Antarbangsa Selangor, Malaysia collaborated with Medan State University. The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed by Prof. Drs. Manihar Situmorang, M.Sc., Ph.D (Deputy Chancellor IV Unimed) and Dr. Zulkifli Bin H Abdul Hamid (Deputy Rector Corporate Management College of the Islamic Inter-National University of Selangor) in the Unimed Chancellor Room (19/12).

Also present were Vice Chancellor II Dr. Restu, MS, Vice Chancellor III Prof. Dr. Sahat Siagian, M.Pd., Director of Postgraduate Prof. Dr. Bornok Sinaga, M.Pd., FBS Dean Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., Dean of FIK Dr. Budi Valianto, M.Pd., Dean of FT Prof. Dr. Harun Sitompul, M.Pd., Dean of FMIPA Dr. Martina Restuati, M.Sc., Dean of FIS Dra. Nurmala Berutu, M.Pd., Deputy Dean I FE Dr. Eko Wahyu Nugrahadi, M.Sc., Head of International Affairs Office Maya Oktora, S.Pd, M.Hum, Head of Public Relations Anwar Sujahri, SE, Expert Staff of Vice Chancellor IV Dr. Abil Mansyur, S.Si, M.Sc and Winsyahputra Ritonga, S.Pd., M.Sc. Also present from the College of Universiti Islam Antarbangsa Selangor include Dr. Md Noor Hussin (Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Civilization Quiz) and Dr. Zikmal Fuad.

This collaboration is based on the desires of these two universities to realize tridharma (education, research and community service). With this collaboration, the two universities can exchange educational information, international journals, seminars and research and education fields.

Dr. Zulkifli Bin H Abdul Hamid revealed his arrival to establish cooperation with Unimed, to mutually strengthen the quality of education and research. We are very interested in collaborating with Unimed, because one of the best LPTKs in Indonesia has been accredited A. Later, they can share information on education, research and scientific publications. We are very grateful for the welcome and acceptance of Unimed who is very friendly and kind, I hope this collaboration will also work well and benefit each other.

As Deputy Chancellor for Cooperation and Public Relations, Prof. Drs. Manihar Situmorang, M.Sc., Ph.D welcomed this partnership. “Hopefully this collaboration will run in line with our expectations, we are proud of the Universiti Islam Antarbangsa Selangor College in collaboration with Unimed. Hopefully we can share information, indexed scientific publications and also provide convenience for students and lecturers in the fields of education and research. “