
" The Character Building University "

Unimed Students Won Gold and Silver Medals at WINTEX World Event

Bandung (ITB) – Achievements in the international arena are unceasingly achieved by Unimed students. Unimed students at this time successfully won gold and silver medal in the international arena of World International Technology Expo (WINTEX) 2018 which was held by Indonesian Invention and Innovation Promotion Association (INNOPA) and LPIK ITB supported by International Federation of Inventors Association (IFIA) and World Invention and Intellectual Property Association (WIIPA). The International event is held for 3 days from 12 – 14 March 2018 in East Hall and West Hall ITB Bandung.

World International Technology Expo is an event that aims to create awareness of inventions and technologies while exhibiting the innovations of inventors and to make discoveries and technologies as cultural as well as to highlight its role in the economy and development of a country. WINTEX event was followed by various inventors and researchers who come from Indonesia and internationally.

Unimed students of WINTEX as many as 10 people are divided into two teams, both of which managed to get the achievement. The first team consisted of Fitri Harwina Suci Ginting (Physics), Ancient Daulat (Physics), Maulida Rahmi sagala (Physics), Rolajuardi Effrieldrik Tampubolon (P. English), Muhammad Alfikar marpaung (P. Mechanical Engineering) and managed to get Silver Medal with Innovation Magnet discipline traffic in Medan City. The second team consisted of Irma Yunita (P. English), Salmah Fitriyani Nst (Counseling Guidance), Fatia Azzahra (Biology), Inda Uli Hutagalung (Non-Dik Biology), Argitha Aricindy (P. Anthropology) and successfully achieved the Gold Medal by innovation ES DIJE Milk (Seed of Durian & Jelly Milk).

Different place Unimed Rector give thanks, and touched on the achievement of Unimed students who again managed to score achievements in the international arena of World International Technology Expo “This achievement is a good news for us leaders and civitas Unimed. Of course this achievement can not be separated from the guidance of the deans and lecturers. This is a proof that the learning process on Unimed campus has been running optimally, lecturers and students have been carrying out their duties and functions respectively. “Said Prof. Syawal Gultom.

Prof. Syawal Gultom also said that this achievement is expected to spur and encourage lecturers and students to continue to innovate in order to continue achievement in various international competitions. He also said that this achievement is closer to Unimed’s dream of becoming a World Class University.

“We hope to be born to continue the other achievements by Unimed students in various international and national competitions. we will continue to evaluate that Unimed can continue to achieve better performance in the future. “Prof. Syawal Gultom. (Unimed Public Relation)