
" The Character Building University "

FIK Unimed Tennis Team 3rd Winner in National Pangkosekhanudnas III Cup 2018

Medan – Good news again got the Faculty of Sport Sciences State University of Medan because the professional sports team sent FIK managed to win the Sports Tournament Cup Pangkosekhanudnas III Year 2018 on the field of Tennis Sports. The tournament was held by TNI AU held in Polonia which lasted for 3 days 23-25 ​​February 2018.

This event was held in commemoration of the 56th Anniversary of Kohanudnas which was precisely on February 9, 2018. In addition, this event is also held for coaching achievement and as a relationship to promote sports in North Sumatra because it is important to encourage young people to love tennis and archery sports.

The competition is participated by 3 sports, consisting of tennis, followed by 13 clubs with 10 clubs from North Sumatra, one from Papua and one from Aceh, archery followed by 35 clubs, and knee and chirping bird contest. Each sport is participated by participants from outside North Sumatra.

Professional team from FIK Unimed bring 11 people they are team manager FIK Unimed Dr. Syamsul Gultom, M.Kes, Coach Drs. Suharjo, M.Pd., Assistant Coach Denggan Pulungan, S.Pd., M.Pd., and 8 athletes. Team Unimed together with team from Padang won 3rd place in Tennis Field and took home 10 million prize money for each team, First Winner got Team from Papua and got 30 Million Rupiah and 2nd Winner was Poldasu Team and got 20 Million Rupiah.

Hearing the news was the Dean of FIK Unimed Dr. Budi Valianto, M.Pd expressed his gratitude and feel proud of the athletes sent FIK Unimed won third place in the sporting event Pangkosekhanudnas III Cup of 2018. “Last week our athletes from FIK Unimed also managed to win the competition at the international championship Wushu Championship in Russia and this week back athletes professional FIK Unimed tennis managed to achieve achievement in the national sports event. This is a pride for us FIK Unimed community and also increasingly able to encourage the spirit for students and lecturers to keep trying to achieve achievement in international and national arena “he said.

In different places Prof. Syawal Gultom, Unimed Rector also congratulated and took pride in lecturing FIK Unimed who followed the Cup Pangkosekhanudnas III successfully carved a proud achievement by winning the third place. “We civitas Unimed congratulate and succeed to our lecturers athletes for carving achievements at the national level. We hope that this achievement will encourage all lecturers to continue to work hard to excel in various academic, sports and other activities in the national and international arena to make Unimed become World Class University “said Prof. Syawal. (Unimed Public Relations).