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Strengthen Quality, Unimed Requires “6 Tasks” And Weighted Sanctions Plagiarism

Medan (Unimed) – To strengthen the quality of graduates, Unimed develops a learning model that encourages students’ independence in learning. This model as well as KKNI curriculum tool applicable in Unimed since T.A 2016/2017. The learning model requires each student to complete 6 semester assignments per semester. The six tasks are; routine tasks, critical book report, critical journal / research report, idea engineering, mini research, and project. This was expressed by Rector Unimed Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd at a university senate meeting on Thursday (15/9), in Room A Session, Unimed Rector’s Bureau,

Prof Syawal explained, the routine task is done at every meeting. While critical book report that is studying the book based on the concept or theory learned in a course to determine the critical position of the study. The process, lecturers will set the main book and supporting books, then students must be grouped in the process of understanding but report the results independently.

He explained that the critical journal report here is to review all the components of a research report or journal critically with the main purpose of finding the advantages and disadvantages of a research or journal and displaying relevant suggestions to maintain the strengths and overcome the weaknesses of research or journal. At this stage the lecturer will set the article in the journal or research report for review. If the student chooses for himself then must obtain the approval of the lecturer. Students may use other articles to complete the argument. Then the students must be grouped during the process of understanding, but report the results should be independent.

Rapat Senat KKNI

Furthermore, Prof Syawal said is the idea engineering. “At this task, the lecturers with students discuss and define the scope of ideas that can be engineered. Students must form groups based on similarity or similarity of ideas to be engineered but report results on their own. The idea is a derivation of an idea or a new concept of an existing idea and the new idea is predicted to apply in a social context, “he said.

Mini research is done by means of students and lecturers to discuss and establish relevant research topics. If the student chooses the topic himself / herself must get the approval from the lecturer. Furthermore, students must work in groups in order to prepare the design of mini research but report the results independently. “Mini research should include at least a question of hypothesis, theory, instrument, data collection, data analysis, and conclusions” said Prof Syawal with steady.

The last is that Unimed students should be able to create projects that produce models, or products that have value, aesthetics, social, cultural, and economic. “This task requires students to be able to apply knowledge transfer for problem solving and then communicate the results”, he said.

In performing these duties, students are prohibited from plagiarism. Unimed will sanction the heavy action of plagiarism. The goal is to make students more qualified.

“If proven that the completion of tasks performed by other parties then the task is canceled and the value of the students concerned repeat status in the course referred. If done by Unimed students then to both parties are subject to the same sanctions. And if if students do plagiarism either sebahagian or all then the task is canceled and the value of students concerned repeat status in the course plus a suspension for 1 (one) semester “, said Prof. Syawal.