
" The Character Building University "

Foreign Students Learn Indonesian Language and Culture at UNIMED


MEDAN (Unimed) – Students from seven countries, Spain, Sweden, Poland, Czech Republic, Morocco, South Korea and Vietnam will study Bahasa Indonesia and culture at Medan State University (Unimed). They will study for the next year. Certainty was known when the student was welcomed by Rector Unimed Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd and Vice Rector in the Rector Meeting Room, Tuesday (5/9).

The seven students from seven countries, namely; 1) Petra Delezelova of the Czech Republic, 2) Aymane Elmbarki from Morocco, 3) Damian Viotr Szlingiert from Poland, 4) So Mang Kim of Korea, 5) Maria Fernandez of Spain, 6) Victor Simon J.B. Svensson from Sweden, and 7) Trang Thu Nguyen from Vietnam.

“They are students who follow the Darmasiswa Scholarship program in 2017/2018 on our campus,” said Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation and Public Relations, Prof. Manihar Situmorang, M.Sc., Ph.D

“This student will study intensive one semester for Bahasa Indonesia, then another semester will follow the process of teaching and learning in the class mingle with our students. We will also introduce the culture of North Sumatra by way of study tour later. “Added Prof. Manihar.

Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd appreciate the presence of overseas students. Unimed, according to Prof. Syawal, ready to provide excellent service to the entire community, including students from overseas.

“We are ready to provide the best service. If there are obstacles in the study and in the community, please directly contact the Office of Vice Rector IV, “we will help maximally, so that these foreign students can easily achieve the goal of studying at Unimed Green Campus that is able to speak Indonesian well and can be insight about Indonesian culture. said Prof. Syawal.

The Rector also said that the presence of students from abroad is one of Unimed’s proofs accepted internationally. This is one step Unimed towards world class university. Hopefully they can be comfortable and happy while studying at Unimed.

Petra Dolezelova admitted to enjoy the service provided by Unimed since three days of their existence in Medan City. “We got good service,” he said. Our interest in learning in Unimed is to learn Indonesian language and culture of North Sumatra. We were impressed during the Unimed campus, the people were friendly, courteous and friendly to us even though we were foreigners. Hopefully we can successfully learn the Indonesian language and culture that exist in North Sumatra. (Unimed Public Relations).