
" The Character Building University "

Unimed Students Win Gold Medal at SEA Games in Malaysia


Malaysia – Srunita Sari Sukatendel, young Indonesian srikandi Karo blood successfully managed to gain gold from karate branch in committee number under 50 kg daughter at Sea Games 2017 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

While the lack of achievement of Indonesian sports, the presence of young athletes such as Srunita Sari Sukatendel achievement should be a pride of its own, let alone achievements not only in the event Sea Games 2017. But this one, also has incised various achievements in the world class karate game.

Started his career at the Center for Student Education and Training (PPLP) of North Sumatra, thanks to his hard work and hard work finally sweet fruit. Now Srunita often raises red and white flags in the country of people with a pretty bright achievement.

This female karate athlete comes from North Sumatra, precisely from District Kuala, Langkat. He is also noted as a student of Sport Coaching Education (PKO) at Faculty of Sport Science (FIK) University of Medan.

Athletes who also had won gold PON in 2012 is starting to enter the Karate national team in 2010 as karateka junior for Karate Asia championship in Hong Kong. Since then, his name has always been noted as one of the members of the Karate Indonesia team to date.

In the gait as one of the members of the Karateka national team, various international achievements have been achieved, including gold in the Venice Cup (Italy), Findalandia Open, Marmara Cup (Turkey), won silver at the 2013 Myanmar Games, and bronze medalists in Rotterdam.

Karateka Srunita Sari Sukatendel also known as a humble figure, in his work as a karate athlete, keinganan and motivation one of them is to realize the dream of parents bringing red and white flying on the international stage.

Srunita Sari Sukatendel said “that nothing is impossible and always believe that God will give the best.”

Different place, Unimed Rector Prof. Syawal give thanks, feel proud and touched by the achievement of his student who won the gold medal at SEA Games International event in 2017.

“Hopefully this achievement will be able to encourage our civitas Unimed to be more innovative and hard work to pursue the achievement continues in all areas. Hopefully Unimed new students follow in the footsteps of their seniors, to continue to hone their skills so that they can carve out the achievements in the future, especially the 15 Unimed students who are struggling today at PIMMAS in Makassar on 23-28 August 2017. Hopefully they can give gold medals to Unimed, “he said. . (Unimed Public Relations)