
" The Character Building University "

Hundreds of Students from the Master of Physics Study Program Participate in the Effective Student – Centered Learning International Seminar

MEDAN – Hundreds of students from Unimed Physics Masters Study Program participated in an international education seminar with the theme “Effective Student – Centered Learning” at Unimed’s 4th floor Digital Library on Wednesday (1/16). The seminar presented Prof. Dr. Sahyar, MS, MM (Professor of Unimed) and Park Jang Kwan (Master Teacher from South Korea).

The event was initiated and carried out by the S2 Physics Study Program and Medan Generasi Impian Foundation (MGI). As MGI Chairperson Nurul Hafidzha Lubis and Unimed Physics alumni said “The Non-Profit Organization was established in 2014 which was formed from a group of students from several universities trying to initiate a breakthrough in activities and education systems that will try to improve the running of the education system in Indonesia.”

He continued, “This organization accommodates all students’ creative ideas to develop academic abilities and character of the nation’s children. This wise step starts from providing support and access to good and modern education for underprivileged children. By opening a modern education-based education center that promotes children’s character growth, it is hoped that this education center can ease the task of the government as an education provider. The education seminar program is a routine program that is held every two years by MGI in Unimed. ”

Dr. Rahmatsyah, M.Sc. as the head of the Unimed Master of Physics study program, would like to thank MGI for contributing in the form of science and educational events to Physics students. This International level program, helps students in learning and educational processes, and improves the accreditation of Unimed postgraduate physics study programs.

Representing Director of Postgraduate, Deputy director I Prof. Sahyar appreciates the event held today, hopefully it can provide new insights for students in applying the Effective Student – Centered learning. Because we know, South Korea is one of the developed countries in the world that is concerned about education. We can learn from them, how their education will excel and advance their country