
" The Character Building University "

Unimed Has 12 National Accredited Journals

Based on data released by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemristekdikti), as many as 12 journals in the Medan State University are now nationally accredited. This number increased from the previous period which was only 6 journals. This achievement is also the highest in all of North Sumatra.

The twelve nationally accredited journals are; 1) Journal of Social Sciences Education (JUPIIS) FIS, 2) Journal of Geography FIS, 3) Journal of Physical Education, Health and Recreation PJKR FIK, 4) Journal of Handayani FIP, 5) Journal of Our Teachers FIP, and 6) Journal of FIP School , 7) Journal of Computer Engineering, UPT-ICT Science and System, 8) Journal of PPs Physics Education, 9) Journal of Bioscience FMIPA, 10) FIP School Education Journal, 11) Anthropos FIS Journal, and 12) FBS Journal of Language and Literature.

Deputy of Rector II, Dr. Restu, M.S. said that he would continue to encourage the improvement of the quantity and quality of accredited journals. “For those who have been accredited, they must increase their rank. For example, from 3 to 2. And for those who haven’t, we urge to accelerate its accreditation, “he said in the Journal Managers Competency Enhancement Workshop on Thursday (12/20/2018), in the A Unimed Meeting Room.

Unimed leaders, according to Restu, will provide incentives to improve the quality and quantity of accredited journals. In addition, research funds will be synergized with managing journals. “All of that is to maintain the quality of our journals, in accordance with ethics and scientific rules. Journal managers also need to build networks nationally, “he added.

Rector of Unimed Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd, in a separate place expressed his gratitude for the hard work and dedication of 12 journal managers in the Unimed environment who have successfully obtained national accreditation from the Kemristekdikti.

“Hopefully this success will become a spirit for other journal managers to continue working hard so that Unimed has a nationally accredited scientific journal that continues to increase. At present we have quite a lot of scientific journals, 92 journals, we will continue to encourage leaders, give serious support so that the journals can be majority nationally accredited. Because I as the Chancellor have a target, one of which is, Unimed has many nationally accredited scientific journals and scientific writings of scopus indexed and has a reputation for increasing. We leaders will continue to work together optimally so that the target can be realized properly, “he said.

Prof. Syawal also hopes that managers of nationally accredited journals will continue to provide assistance to other journals in order to achieve accreditation in the near future. “We Unimed also invited professional writers to be able to send their writing to 12 accredited journals, so that the achievement target of 40% of writers from outside the Unimed journal will continue to be achieved. Journal managers must be more selective and professional in selecting articles to be published, so that the quality of publications is maintained properly, “he concluded.