
" The Character Building University "

FE Unimed Students Winner of the Accounting Olympiad


MEDAN – A proud news for Unimed community members, especially FE Unimed community because one of FE Unimed Accounting Study Program students managed to bring the good name of Unimed diajang Accounting Olympiad level of North Sumatra in Medan. Economic Olympiad held on September 15, 2017 titled be an economy star is the theme “Forming a Creative Industry Mindset Towards a Creative Economy”. This event was held by Pro Deo Et Patria Alumni Association, Faculty of Economics HKBP Nomensen, Office of International Affairs, and BEM FE HKBP Nomensen. The competition was attended by hundreds of students from USU, Unimed, UIN-SU, Polmed, UMSU, UMA, Unika, STIE Microskil, Polytechnic MBP, STIE-IBBI, Darma Agung University, UNPRI and Univ. HKBP Nomensen.

The material tested is Introduction to Accounting, Introduction to Management, Introduction to Macro and Micro Economy, Taxation, and Business Mathematics. The race system applied to all participants in three rounds of the first half answers 100 multiple choice questions, the second half answers 10 essay questions, and the third round answers the oral test before the jury team. One of the students of FE Unimed Br. Meliatika Sinaga, managed to set aside all participants and entitled to be the first winner in this Accounting Olympics, and managed to bring Tropy prizes, certificates and coaching funds of Rp. 3,000,000, – (three million rupiah).

Meliatika Sinaga said to Unimed Public Relation, feel nation and grateful I can win as champion in this accounting olympics event. Hopefully this achievement can encourage me to study harder and earnestly attending lectures so as to carve out better achievements in national and international level competitions. I am proud to be a student of FE Unimed Accounting Education Program, because of the many knowledge and experiences I have received so I can win in this Olympic event.

Prof. Indra Maipita, M.Si. Ph.D, Dean of FE Unimed admitted proud with achievement achievement of students of Accounting Education Program at Olympic level of North Sumatera. This is a very proud achievement for FE Unimed community. At the same time can encourage other students to continue to work in pursuit of achievement in various competitions, because through the achievement of these achievements, we can know the quality of lectures that we have passed. We will encourage and motivate students to continue achieving various fields of interest to students. Hopefully FE Unimed can continue to give birth to young scientists hungry for innovation and achievement.

Prof. Dr. Sahat Siagian, M.Pd, as Vice Rector III in a separate place said, the achievement of Accounting Education Study Program students in the Accounting Olympiad adds to the achievement of Unimed students who boast. Civitas Unimed proudly and gives an appreciation for the achievement. Hopefully this achievement will encourage all Unimed students to be more active and active in various student activities at the regional, national and international levels. Achievements that have been achieved by Unimed students, will certainly strengthen the level of public confidence to Unimed, that we continue to do in advance and continue to improve the quality of graduates. (Unimed Public Relations).