
" The Character Building University "

Unimed PKM Team Wins 3 Medals at PIMNAS 33 Year 2020 at UGM

Three PKM Teams from Medan State University achieved achievements at the prestigious national event of the 33rd National Scientific Week (PIMNAS) in 2020 held at Gajah Mada University Yogyakarta. Pkm UNIMED team won 2 silver and 1 bronze medals when the winner was announced during the closing ceremony of PIMNAS at Graha Sabha Pramana UGM which was broadcast online through UGM Youtube channel (11/28/2020).

The PKM UNIMED team that won the medal was from the PKM-K Dika Ramadhana Team (Chemical Education) chairman of the title “Natural Liptint From Lime Leaves and Dragon Fruit Skin: Your Beautiful Lip Solution” with members Armayana Azmi (Chemical Education), Ayu Supianggi Radani Lubis (Chemical Education), Dandi Abdul Halim (Accounting), Hafizah Delila (Makeup Education) guided by Nora Susanti, S.Si.,M.Sc.,Apt won 1 Bronze in the poster category, while in the presentation category the Unimed PKM Team won 2 silvers with details of 1 silver won by the Team on the PKM-M scheme with the title QR-TRAIN: Protein Synthesis Railway Equipped with QR Code As a Learning Media At SMA Negeri 1 Percut Sei Tuan led by Usman (Automotive Engineering Education) with member Rahmayanti Br. Padang (Biology Education) , Thya Dwiana Rismiati (Biology Education), Nurlaila Putri (Biology Education), Azqal Azkia (ICT Education), Ramadhan Winarto (Mechanical Engineering Education) guided by Dr. Drs. Lisyanto, M.Si and 1 Perak in pkm-T scheme with the title Toolset Kem-Kem Era Society 5.0 chaired by Emelia Ginting (Biology Education) with members Nurul Qodri (Automotive Engineering Education), Vebrina Adnin (Science Education), Nurhikmah Weisdiyanti (Physics Education), Ibnu Akbar (Automotive Engineering Education) guided by Dr. Rahmatsyah, M.Si

Rector of Unimed Dr. Syamsul Gultom., SKM., M.Kes heard the happy news congratulating and giving appreciation for the achievements of Unimed students obtained. “We are very proud of the achievements of students who won silver and bronze at PIMNAS 33. We know that the struggle to get proposals made to enter PIMNAS is very difficult and difficult. But the whole struggle is now reciprocated by the achievement. PIMNAS this year is very different from the previous year PIMNAS where PIMNAS this year was held online this is because our country is facing a coronavirus pandemic. But this does not prevent the students’ younger siblings to continue to work and innovate. This is proven by UNIMED students who still succeed in achieving achievements in PIMNAS. This victory is the result of the efforts of innovative thinking of the students and of course also the supervisors who patiently and sincerely guide the students so that finally the guided team can achieve 2 silver 1 bronze,” said Rector when interviewed by phone.

“To the team who have not succeeded do not be discouraged because for us you are also winners because your proposal has been successfully penetrated into PIMNAS. This has become a pride in itself. Keep up the spirit and keep working. I also thanked other UNIMED students. Hopefully with the achievements achieved by your friends can develop a sense of innovation and creativity in creating a work that can help solve the nation’s problems. We hope that in PIMNAS next year we should be able to achieve more, we maximize the top 10 nationally,” said Dr. Syamsul.

Vice Rector III Prof. Sahat when hearing the news through WA in line with the Rector congratulated and thanked him very much for all the hard work that has been done by the PIMNAS UNIMED Team so that they can achieve achievements in this prestigious event. “We are grateful that this year we achieved 21 national achievements from 101 participating universities. hopefully this victory will be our motivation so that PIMNAS next year we can penetrate in the top 10. Amen,” he said.