
" The Character Building University "

Three Unimed Biology Lecturers Become Speakers in Japan

TOKYO – Three lecturers from Medan State University participated in the international event The 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Life Science and Biological Engineering (APLSBE 2019) in Kyoto, Japan. This event is an international platform for scholars, researchers and practitioners to discuss interdisciplinary research and practice in the field of Life Sciences and Biological Engineering.

Speakers from Unimed are invited to submit research abstracts or complete papers and present them to attendees from various worlds. Participants can also join the conference for research and exchange of opinions / research findings. This international conference was attended by various countries including; Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Philippines, Britain, America, Germany, South Korea, Australia, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, India, Turkey, Singapore, Dubai, Canada, Bangladesh and Indonesia. From Indonesia, universities invited to participate in this event are Unimed and Unibraw / UB. The participants from Unimed, Dr. Martina Restuati, M.Sc., Endang Sulistyarini Gultom, M.Sc., Apt., Dra. Melva Silitonga, MS. Participating in accompanying the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Abdul Hamid K, M.Pd.

On this occasion, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Abdul Hamid K, M.Pd. said, we are proud and grateful of the many biology lecturers in the world, there are three of our lecturers who were invited by the committee to attend this extraordinary event to present the results of the research conducted by our lecturers. The 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Life Science and Biological Engineering is very good. This activity is a forum for academics from around the world to encourage lecturers and students to conduct reputable research and scientific journal writing. We will continue to push and increase the number of research and scientific works published in Scopus journals and international reputable journals by Unimed lecturers. This has become the commitment of the Rector Prof.Syawal Gultom, to realize Unimed to become Worldclass University.

As a participant Dr. Martina Restuati, M.Sc., who is also the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, expressed her gratitude for Unimed’s support to encourage lecturers to continue to improve their research and write scientific journals with a reputation. We as speakers from Unimed felt grateful to be part of this prestigious event. Representing Indonesia on the stage of the 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Biological Sciences and Biological Engineering in Japan. The valuable experience of this conference can later be developed in advancing learning in the Unimed Department of Biology. We also thank the committee in Japan for choosing us three Unimed biology lecturers, because they were invited and given the opportunity to present the results of our research at this international conference. After returning to campus later, we will share our knowledge and experience for Unimed lecturers so that we will continue to improve our competencies and can continue to be active in international scientific meetings, which will certainly be beneficial for Unimed institutions to become advanced and competitive campus.