
" The Character Building University "

FMIPA Unimed Students Won Gold and Silver Medals in WYIE 2018 Malaysia

Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) – The Medan State University Student Team from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences won a Gold and Silver Medal in the World Young Inventors Exhibition (WYIE) 2018 which took place on 10-12 May 2018 at Kuala Lumpur Convention Center, Malaysia.

FMIPA Unimed sends 4 teams to compete in WYIE Malaysia. The four teams that succeeded in getting the achievement by bringing home 1 gold and 3 silver. The FMIPA team who got the gold consisted of departed consisted of Deby Khairani Harahap, Elisa Lumbantungkup, U.Sartiana Hanum Saragih, Yiska Indira, Jihan Afifah Pasaribu, Dwi Putri Utami Lestari with Balycka Balel (Balakka Jelly Candy) innovation, not only gold Balycan also get the Award Best Innovation.

The three teams that get silver are Rafika Utami, Fanny Fashiri, Fadilah Mayanti Nasution, Izzatul Kairi Sajida S, Ellya Franziska Br Sembiring, Jecky Hill, Enny Fadilah Luis, and Fatimah Asri Jambak featuring innovations Durin Landa’s Leaves Cleaner, Wandes Sanbara, Ira imelda ancient, Veradina situmeang, Ibnu arief, Lutfiah arrahmah, Hendra siringo ringo, Ayuliani veronika, Vivin ennora featuring innovative K-24 Deodorant; Odorless deodorant using Etlingera elatior as an alternative way to reduce bodyodor from bacteria, and Zulayli tilting, Anita Meiska Putri, Ghufran Arisyi, Mega Ananda Harahap, Siti Nurshera Effendi featuring Trends Dry Face innovation innovation From AKUSA (Water Leather Watermelon).

Dean of FMIPA Unimed Dr. Martina Restuati, M. Si heard this good news. She felt proud and happy to the students of FMIPA Unimed who won the silver medal in WYIE Malaysia competition. “I congratulate the students who managed to bring the name of FMIPA and Unimed in International arena. This is a pride for us the civitas FMIPA Unimed and hopefully with this achievement can encourage the students of FMIPA to keep trying to achieve the achievement both in international and national arena “, She said.

Different Rector Unimed when hearing this exciting news give thanks and feel proud of the achievement of Unimed students who again managed to score the achievements in the international arena “I am very proud and happy for the achievements of Unimed students in WYIE 2018 because the event is a great event followed by participants from all over the world. Thank you for making you good name Unimed in the international arena., “Prof. Syawal, said.

“Hopefully the winners will be able to share their experiences to other students so that they can be encouraged to continue to innovate and achieve the achievement so that Unimed students will continue to be born Unimed students in international and national level,” said Unimed Rector.